New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.95
category: Children's Fiction
published: Dec 1990
publisher: Three O'Clock Press
imprint: Women's Press Literary

Asha's Mums

by Rosamund Elwin & Michele Paulse, illustrated by Dawn Lee

tagged: girls & women

When Asha's lesbian mums become an issue for the teacher and the curiosity of classmates, Asha responds that having two mums is not a big deal. They are a family.

About the Authors

Rosamund Elwin

Rosamund and Michele currently live in Toronto. Rosamund likes attending to her plants and romping around with the kids. Michele likes knitting, sewing and bicycling. Rosamund Elwin has been involved in publishing for the past eight years, working on children's and adults' books. Her involvement in publishing children's books sparked her interest in writing for children. This led to the co-written stories Asha's Mums and The Moonlight Hide Seek Club. Rosamund sees publishing first-time writers as cultural activism. She enjoys publishing and wants to see many more of her ideas materialize, including anthologies on lesbians and men, and Caribbean lesbians, both of which she is currently developing.

Michele Paulse

Rosamund and Michele currently live in Toronto. Rosamund likes attending to her plants and romping around with the kids. Michele likes knitting, sewing and bicycling. Rosamund Elwin has been involved in publishing for the past eight years, working on children's and adults' books. Her involvement in publishing children's books sparked her interest in writing for children. This led to the co-written stories Asha's Mums and The Moonlight Hide Seek Club. Rosamund sees publishing first-time writers as cultural activism. She enjoys publishing and wants to see many more of her ideas materialize, including anthologies on lesbians and men, and Caribbean lesbians, both of which she is currently developing.

Dawn Lee, when she isn't designing exhibits that thrill a million people every year at the Ontario Science Centre, illustrates children's books. The Mouse That Couldn't Squeak was published in 1988. Dawn also paints and makes videos and animated films.
Contributor Notes

Dawn Lee, when she isn't designing exhibits that thrill a million people every year at the Ontario Science Centre, illustrates children's books. The Mouse That Couldn't Squeak was published in 1988. Dawn also paints and makes videos and animated films.

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