New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $25.00
category: Fiction
published: May 1995
publisher: Fitzhenry and Whiteside

Barometer Rising

Large Print Edition

by Hugh MacLennan

tagged: classics

Penelope Wain believes that her lover, Neil Macrae, has been killed while serving overseas under her father That he died apparently in disgrace does not alter her love for him, even though her father is insistent on his guilt What neither Penelope or her father knows is that Neil is not dead, but has returned to Halifax to clear his name

Hugh MacLennan's first novel is a compelling romance set against the horrors of wartime and the catastrophic Halifax Explosion of December 6, 1917

About the Author

Hugh MacLennan

Contributor Notes

A major 20th century Canadian author, Hugh MacLennan was born in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, in 1907 His seven novels and many essays and travel books present a chronicle of Canada that often mediates between the old world of its European cultural heritage and the new world of American vitality and materialism Among his many honours, he won five Governor General's Awards Hugh MacLennan died in Montreal in 1990

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