New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $16.95
also available: Paperback
category: Children's Fiction
published: Jan 1996
publisher: Kids Can Press

Glory Days and Other Stories

by Gillian Chan

tagged: school & education

Meet Rachel, Art, Rudy, Luisa and Michael. At first glance, they couldn't appear more different from one another. But look a little closer. Each one has an important decision to make -- and must live with the consequences. Their stories about dating, family, power and identity are filled with strong images, ringing with the emotion and reality of life during the teen years.

About the Author

Gillian Chan

After being an English teacher for ten years, Gillian Chan realized her dream of becoming a writer in 1994. Her first book, Golden Girl and Other Stories, was shortlisted for the Mr. Christie's Book Award. A companion collection, Glory Days and Other Stories, was also a Christie nominee, and made the shortlist for the 1996 Governor General's Literary Award. When she turned to writing novels, Gillian was able to combine her writing with her love of history, writing such books as The Carved Box and A Foreign Field.
During her preparations for An Ocean Apart, Gillian travelled to Vancouver several times, walking the streets that would have been familiar to Mei. Her husband read and translated Chinese newspapers for her from the period in which the story was set. She has just finished writing a new title about the War of 1812 for Dear Canada's "little brother," the I Am Canada series.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
12 to 18
7 to 12

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