New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $24.95
also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Apr 2002
publisher: Key Porter Books
imprint: Lester & Orpen Dennys

Last of the Golden Girls

by Susan Swan

About the Author
Susan Swan's critically acclaimed fiction has been published in twenty countries and her impact on the Canadian literary and political scene has been far-reaching. Swan's previous novel, What Casanova Told Me, was published in the US, Canada, Spain, Russia, Serbia, and Portugal, and was a finalist for the Commonwealth Writers' Prize. Swan's other novels include The Wives of Bath (which was made into the feature film Lost and Delirious, shown in 34 countries), The Biggest Modern Woman in the World (Finalist for the Books in Canada First Novel Award and the Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction), The Last of the Golden Girls, and the short story collection Stupid Boys are Good to Relax With.

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