New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $17.95
also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Dec 2007
publisher: McClelland & Stewart
imprint: New Canadian Library

Such Is My Beloved

by Morley Callaghan, afterword by Milton Wilson

tagged: classics

One of the great novels of the 1930s, Such Is My Beloved recounts the tragic story of two down-and-out prostitutes and the young priest who aspires to redeem their lives. The novel is at once a compassionate portrait of innocence and idealism, and an emphatic condemnation of a society where the lines between good and evil are essentially blurred.

Such Is My Beloved is widely considered to be Morley Callaghan’s finest novel.

About the Authors

Morley Callaghan

Milton Wilson

Contributor Notes

Morley Callaghan’s literary circle included Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Joyce. In a career spanning more than six decades, he published sixteen novels and more than one hundred works of short fiction.

From the eBook edition.

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