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4.5 of 5
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list price: $24.95
category: Fiction
published: Oct 2004
publisher: Goose Lane Editions
imprint: BTC Audiobooks

The Handmaid's Tale

by Margaret Atwood, dramatized by Michael O’Brien, narrator Emma Campbell; William B. Davis & Donna Goodhand

tagged: literary

Fans of Margaret Atwood's fiction can now experience The Handmaid's Tale as a gripping audio dramatization. Starring Emma Campbell as Offred, William B. Davis as the Commander, and Donna Goodhand as the Commander's barren wife Serena Joy, this stunning production of Atwood's Booker Prize-nominated work of speculative fiction was an instant hit when it first aired in 2002. A feminist Nineteen Eighty-Four, The Handmaid's Tale portrays the future as a chilling dystopia in which religious extremists rule the United States and birth rates are plunging. Assigned to a member of the Gilead elite as an official breeder, the handmaid Offred mingles memories of her old life in the 1980s with dangerous thoughts of rebellion and escape. Audaciously imaginative, The Handmaid's Tale combines the suspence of a psychological thriller with a bittersweet love story.

About the Authors

Margaret Atwood

Michael O’Brien

Emma Campbell

William B. Davis

Donna Goodhand

Editorial Reviews

"The most poetically satisfying and intense of all Atwood's novels." — Maclean"s

"The Handmaid's Tale brings out the very best in Atwood — moral vision, biting humor, and a poet's imagination." — Chatelaine

"The Handmaid's Tale is in the honorable tradition of Brave New World and other warnings of dystopia. It's imaginative even audacious, and conveys a chilling sense of fear and menace." — Globe and Mail

"The most poetically satisfying and intense of all Atwood's novels." — Maclean"s

"The Handmaid's Tale is in the honorable tradition of Brave New World and other warnings of dystopia. It's imaginative even audacious, and conveys a chilling sense of fear and menace." — Globe and Mail

"The Handmaid's Tale brings out the very best in Atwood — moral vision, biting humor, and a poet's imagination." — Chatelaine

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