A Different Track
Margo Beredjiklian
, Cheryl Johnson
, Jude Castillo
, Lynn Mullen
, Marilyn Stanley
, Noelle Walsh
, Alanna Virtue
, Dawn Macdonald
, Dot Mann
, Andrea Pole
, Patricia Johnson
, Agnes Marshall
, Louise Walsh
, Natasha Andres
, Marissa Yip-Young
, Jane Graham
, Amy Cieslak
, Sandra Lackie
, Deana Bueley
, Mark Gorman
, Rita Osullivan
, Don Gershman
, Marjorie Roy
, Andre Labonte
, Joseph Chirayil
, Sarah Schwartz
, Elle Kishia
, Melissa Poremba
, Barry Kazimer
, toni velthuis
, Melissa Rivosecchi
, Jennifer Beyak
, Ryan Woods
, Rose Hately
, Kevin Smith
, Kirsten Norlock
, Linda Ham
, Joe Mitchell
, Brittney Warren
, Lisa Bilodeau
, Linda MacIntyre
, Gwynn Scheltema
, jane luce
, Kym Marsh
, Tiffany C
, Sara Mody
, Michelle Arsenault
, Pamela Roberts Griffith
, Kim Cappellina
, Shawna Moodie
, Robert Hykawy
, Meghan Barton
, Stephanie Trotter
, Mary Woods
, Karen LeBlanc
, John Bell
, Lynn Bechtel
, Sarah Van Dyk
, Susan Haldane
, Vicki Bedford
, Lindsey Andronak
, Paula Adam
, Kartik Gupta
, Joan Clare
, Chris Lantz
, Debbie Youngman
, Mary Danieli
, Marla Schecter Howard
, BJ Underwood
, Alex Henderson
, Heather O'Connor
, Patricia McKeown
, Joanne Epp
, Ken Gilmour
, Catherine Westerberg
, Rodney Cross
, Virginia Reddin
, Kim Patrick
, Kat Sommer-Derksen
, Cassandra AOUIZERATE
, Rhonda Struthers
, Lara Maynard
, Lisa Mallia
, Laura Patterson
, Claudie Léveillé
, Kristin Farrell
, kristine hibbs
, Benita Hartwell
, Allison Dube
, Mary C. Kelly
, Kim Driscoll
, Crystal Collins
, Kelly Pollock-Clemett
, Kathleen Mary Kilmer
, Maureen Brownlee
, Cait Erlenbach
, Lynn Andrews
, Debra Fisher
, Janice Hutchinson
, Rhona Brinkman
, Sabrina Phan
, A Walsh
, Nadia Cescato
, Stef Novakowski
, Neha Faisal
, Sher Saini
, Richard Scarsbrook
, Judith Pearson
, Sara Conway
, Keltey Buchko
, Dorothy Wong
, Emily Zb
, zelda dwyer
, Penny Connolly
, Sandra Storey
, Cynthia Heinrichs
, Christine Lion
, Roland Schigas
, Mary McAlpine
, Amanda Clarke
, Pat Johnston
, Kay Burke
, Ron Thompson
, Lynn Hallson
, Cherryl Koylass
, Sarah Slack
, diana kirkwood
, Karen Colwell
, Janice Cournoyer
, Ariel Kroon
, Joe Titone
, Elle Andra-Warner
, Maddie Brooks
, Ellen Clarke
, Barbara Leckie
, Sandra Perry
, Kim Silva
, Helene Fuhr
, Tami Osato
This fascinating book looks at the largely unknown history of hospital trains, which wound their way across the scarred landscapes of war-weary Europe, and the doctors and nurses who risked their lives treating patients from all sides of the conflict.
Railroads played an integral role in the Second World War. Trains brought food, munitions, and essential supplies. They transported troops. They were a means of escape for those fleeing persecution. At the same, they were used to transport innocent people to their deaths. Yet there was one kind of train that improved the chances of survival every time they rolled through the battle-worn towns and cities of the European theatre of war.
Hospital trains were not a new concept in the Second World War, but their use was instrumental in this most deadly conflict of the twentieth century. Regular passenger trains were converted into mobile emergency wards tending to the critically wounded. It was an elegant solution, as train cars could be refitted with tier beds, and supplies could be easily transported along with medical staff.
A Different Track introduces readers to the world of hospital trains of the Second World War. From the nurses who ran them to the factories that manufactured them, this book looks at how these trains quietly altered the fortunes of the world. From Canada’s contributions to the role of women who both healed the sick and built the trains, this is a fascinating look at one of the hidden nuggets of history.