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Finding Edward

Finding Edward


Marilyn Stanley
, Cassandra Schiemann
, Linda Ham
, Kate Rutter
, Laurie Burns
, Ksrlene Kuhn
, Jude Castillo
, Gabrielle Wolfe
, Stef Novakowski
, Andrea Pole
, Teree Hokanson
, Chris Carvalho
, Jilanna Eagles
, Georgia Aliphtiras
, Hoda Montazeri
, Mary Therrien
, Noelle Walsh
, Monica Geerts
, Remi Gunn
, Dawn Macdonald
, Paris Semansky
, Diana Richardson
, Deana Bueley
, Richard Scarsbrook
, Danielle Kat
, Barry Kazimer
, Sandra Furlotte
, Catherine Booker
, Sarah Schwartz
, Sandra Perry
, Sarah Van Dyk
, Janet Baron
, Linda Leitch
, Margo Beredjiklian
, Crystal Inwood
, Maureen Brownlee
, Vanessa Charbonneau-Dinelle
, Deb Philippon
, Joe Mitchell
, Thelma Ball
, Melissa Poremba
, Yolande Thivierge
, Alice Meems
, Wanda Brine
, Melissa Kohlman
, Natasa Ilic
, Gina Bergman
, Vicki Ziegler
, Cindy Bodini
, Jen Smith
, Margaret McKay
, Dana Francoeur
, Alex Henderson
, Kim Cappellina
, Rachel Edmonds
, Rhona Brinkman
, Lynn Andrews
, Heather Sibley
, Filomena Falocco
, Lauren Seal
, Sonia Adams
, Cynthia Heinrichs
, Christine Lion
, Marin Beck
, Ken Gilmour
, Kathryn Galan
, Dawn Clayden
, Heather O'Connor
, Pamela Roberts Griffith
, Laura Peters
, Siobhan Monaghan
, Heather Belliveau
, Lucian Childs
, Ellen Clarke
, Colleen McArthur
, Lisa Mallia
, Huguette Lemieux
, Margaret Lindo
, Benita Hartwell
, Lynn Hallson
, Elaine Baptie
, Randi Ann Doll
, Janice Cournoyer
, Robert Hykawy
, Lynn Bechtel
, Mary Lester
, Denise Duvall
, Diane O'Flaherty
, Pamela Bruce
, Penelope Penner
, Jennifer Beyak
, Deanna Radford
, Pamela Humphrey
, Joann Horgan
, Debbie Rodgers
, Shannon Lee
, Anika Brandt
, Pete Pearson
, Christopher Rossignol





Cyril Rowntree migrates to Toronto from Jamaica in 2012. Managing a precarious balance of work and university he begins to navigate his way through the implications of being racialized in his challenging new land.

A chance encounter with a panhandler named Patricia leads Cyril to a suitcase full of photographs and letters dating back to the early 1920s. Cyril is drawn into the letters and their story of a white mother’s struggle with the need to give up her mixed race baby, Edward. Abandoned by his own white father as a small child, Cyril’s keen intuition triggers a strong connection and he begins to look for the rest of Edward’s story.

As he searches, Cyril unearths fragments of Edward’s itinerant life as he crisscrossed the country. Along the way, he discovers hidden pieces of Canada’s Black history and gains the confidence to take on his new world.

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