Wanda Brine
, Marilyn Stanley
, Noelle Walsh
, Sandra Furlotte
, Jude Castillo
, Valerie Hildebrand
, Danielle Walker
, Elizabeth Ivanovich
, Lauraine Twilley
, Louise Walsh
, Catherine Kelly-Brown
, Nirakone Phromkharanourak
, Joshua Lewis
, Ellen Clarke
, LJ Law
, Maria Mclean
, Lynn Hallson
, Leslie Vermeer
, Margaret McKay
, Fred Wong
, Suzanne Nesbitt
, Barbara Nickerson
, Chris Lantz
, Karen Nordrum
, C. Ray
, Linda MacIntyre
, VJ Hatton
, Vicki Bedford
, Janice Cournoyer
, Susan Toy
, maria blanco
, Laurie Burns
, Alissa Bender
, Sarah Stang
, Brenda Power
, Rosa Cross
The early 1970s marked the beginning of Newfoundland’s cultural renaissance. And in 1974, amidst the music, literature, and burgeoning patriotic pride, a young, upstart Reach for the Top team from Canada’s newest province had eliminated competitors from across the country, setting the stage for a showdown with the defending champions in the final match. In Game, Joan Sullivan tracks the signs of a culture coming into its own, and the team that held an entire island in rapt attention.