Lightning Strikes the Silence
Lightning Strikes the Silence
Ryan Woods
, Tanya Blake
, Benita Hartwell
, Jude Castillo
, Mitchell Schmidt
, Janet Miller
, Marilyn Stanley
, Rodney Cross
, Margo Beredjiklian
, Beth Dekoker
, Dot Mann
, Martine Fabris
, Sandra Bales
, Kat Sommer-Derksen
, Sharon Forzley
, Bronya Mazereeuw
, Sandra Lackie
, Chris Carvalho
, Rosa Cross
, Sandra Furlotte
, Brittney Warren
, toni velthuis
, Joshua Lewis
, Cheryl Johnson
, Rita Osullivan
, Susan Fitzgerald
, Sarah Schwartz
, Alanna Virtue
, Marissa Yip-Young
, Noelle Walsh
, Natasha Andres
, Kevin Smith
, Mary Therrien
, Alexis Stefanovich-Thomson
, Isisus Western
, Agnes Marshall
, Marjorie Roy
, Danielle Kat
, Carol Brown
, Andrea Pole
, Deana Bueley
, Barry Kazimer
, Jeanette Jackson
, Louise Walsh
, Cherryl Koylass
, Lynn Andrews
, enid wray
, Mike Broderick
, Dorothy Wong
, Debra Fisher
, Jessica Casas
, Joseph Chirayil
, Tori Levang
, Jane Graham
, Sara Conway
, joy mills
, M M English
, Patricia McKeown
, M. Ingibergsson
, Roland Schigas
, Dru Edmiston
, Paula Ritchie
, Wendy Houlden
, Charles Leblanc
, Michelle Arsenault
, Margaret McKay
, Karen Colwell
, BJ Underwood
, Maria Mclean
, Pat Johnston
, Robert Hykawy
, Barbara Leckie
, Janice Cournoyer
, Emily Johansen
, Sandra Storey
, diana kirkwood
, Irene O’Neill
, Alex Henderson
, Elle Andra-Warner
, Lynn Bechtel
, Chris Lantz
, Penelope Penner
, Susan Toy
, Carol Parchewsky
, Karyn Newton
, Pamela Roberts Griffith
, Kim Cappellina
, Shannon Leclerc
, Lisa Mallia
, Cynthia Heinrichs
, Diane O'Flaherty
, Adrienne Stevenson
, Tanis Anne
, Joanne Epp
, Huguette Settle
, Mary Woods
, Mary Lester
, Tami Osato
, Jen Bailey
, Alice Meems
, Val Ross
, Ken Gilmour
, Randi Ann Doll
, Stef Novakowski
, Gabrielle Wolfe
, Lisa Bilodeau
, Heather Norris
, Katie Kah
, Meghan Barton
, Andre Labonte
, Marla Schecter Howard
, Hoda Montazeri
, Judith Pearson
, Meaghan Krygier
, Georgia Aliphtiras
Beginning with a bang, the latest mystery in the series Publishers Weekly calls “highly entertaining” is a study in bygone promises and lingering prejudice.
A warm June afternoon in King’s Cove is interrupted by an explosion. Following the sound, Lane goes to investigate. Up a steep path she discovers a secluded cabin and, hiding nearby, a young Japanese girl injured and mute, but very much alive.
At the Nelson Police Station, Inspector Darling and Sergeant Ames, following up on a report of a nighttime heist at the local jeweller’s, discover the jeweller himself dead in his office, apparently bludgeoned, and a live wire hanging off the back of the building.
As Lane attempts to speed the search for the girl’s family with her own lines of inquiry, Darling and his team dig deeper into a local connection between the jeweller and a fellow businessman that leads across the pond to Cornwall and north to a mining interest on the McKenzie River. Away at her police course in Vancouver, Sergeant Terrell’s favourite (former) waitress April McAvity is drawn into the case when Darling asks for her help with finding possible relatives in the city for Lane’s young charge.
Meanwhile offices are being ransacked and someone is following Lane. Through the alleyways of Nelson onto the country roads and woods trails of King’s Cove, the latest Winslow mystery is a study in bygone promises and lingering prejudice.