Pale Grey Dot
Olivier Guérin
, Ashley Raskovsky
, Ryan Woods
, Tanya Blake
, Zara Garcia-Alvarez
, Elaine Grandon
, Dawn Macdonald
, Jude Castillo
, Mitchell Schmidt
, Janet Miller
, Marilyn Stanley
, Rodney Cross
, Margo Beredjiklian
, Beth Dekoker
, Laurie Burns
, Dot Mann
, Martine Fabris
, Sharon Forzley
, Bronya Mazereeuw
, Chris Carvalho
, Rosa Cross
, Brittney Warren
, toni velthuis
, Joshua Lewis
, Sandra Furlotte
, Sarah Schwartz
, Marissa Yip-Young
, Noelle Walsh
, Natasha Andres
, Kate Rutter
, Kevin Smith
, Paula Jane Remlinger
, Isisus Western
, Agnes Marshall
, Danielle Kat
, Andrea Pole
, Deana Bueley
, Barry Kazimer
, Louise Walsh
, Cherryl Koylass
, Holly Elisabeth
, Sandra Lackie
, Lynn Andrews
, enid wray
, Mike Broderick
, Dorothy Wong
, Debra Fisher
, Jessica Casas
, Joseph Chirayil
, Yutong Wu
, Anita Jones
, Kim Carswell
, Tori Levang
, Sara Conway
, Faye Lilley
, Patricia Johnson
, Dru Edmiston
, Roland Schigas
, Paula Ritchie
, Susi Lovell
, Charles Leblanc
, Margaret McKay
, Michelle Arsenault
, Kartik Gupta
, BJ Underwood
, Pat Johnston
, Robert Hykawy
, Janice Cournoyer
, Emily Johansen
, diana kirkwood
, Alex Henderson
, Elle Andra-Warner
, Lynn Bechtel
, Chris Lantz
, Penelope Penner
, Karyn Newton
, Pamela Roberts Griffith
, Kim Cappellina
, Lisa Mallia
, Cynthia Heinrichs
, Adrienne Stevenson
, Tanis Anne
, Huguette Settle
, Lindsey Andronak
, Mary Woods
, Janice Sutherland
, Tami Osato
, Jen Bailey
, Alice Meems
, Ken Gilmour
, Randi Ann Doll
, Stef Novakowski
, Susan Baues
, Lisa Bilodeau
, Katie Kah
, Rita Osullivan
, Meghan Barton
, Anushka Tankala
, Andre Labonte
, Marla Schecter Howard
, Hoda Montazeri
Three members of an elite team of operatives—once so close they were like family—are living in disgraced exile after a mission gone horribly wrong. But, they are thrown back into action when the solar system’s Jupiter Station is attacked from within. It will take all the tricks and tech they have to sort out the truth behind the official reports, and no small amount of courage to fight back against the system’s totalitarian government, in this exciting sci-fi debut novel from pillar of the Toronto science fiction community, Don Miasek.