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The Elephant on Karluv Bridge

The Elephant on Karluv Bridge


Marilyn Stanley
, Linda Ham
, Shelley Gibbs
, Jude Castillo
, Gabrielle Wolfe
, Virginia Reddin
, Stef Novakowski
, Linda Dessau
, Teree Hokanson
, Chris Carvalho
, Jilanna Eagles
, Hoda Montazeri
, Mary Therrien
, Noelle Walsh
, Monica Geerts
, Catherine Westerberg
, Remi Gunn
, Deana Bueley
, Richard Scarsbrook
, Danielle Kat
, Susan Baues
, Barry Kazimer
, Susan Hroncek
, Andrew Macpherson
, Sandra Furlotte
, Sarah Schwartz
, Sandra Perry
, Mary-Esther Lee
, Janet Baron
, Heather Norris
, Vanessa S
, Chantal Comeau
, Linda Leitch
, Margo Beredjiklian
, Crystal Inwood
, Maureen Brownlee
, Vanessa Charbonneau-Dinelle
, Deb Philippon
, P. Thompson
, Joe Mitchell
, Melissa Poremba
, Yolande Thivierge
, Thelma Ball
, Alice Meems
, Wanda Brine
, Melissa Kohlman
, Natasa Ilic
, Jen Smith
, Dana Francoeur
, Margaret McKay
, Kim Cappellina
, Vicki Bedford
, Rachel Edmonds
, Marla Schecter Howard
, Jane Graham
, Lynn Andrews
, Rhona Brinkman
, Ron Thompson
, Heather Sibley
, Filomena Falocco
, Anne Range
, Kathryn Galan
, Marin Beck
, Ken Gilmour
, Dawn Clayden
, Heather O'Connor
, Susan Toy
, Pamela Roberts Griffith
, Laura Peters
, Heather Belliveau
, Ellen Clarke
, Astrid Egger
, Huguette Lemieux
, Benita Hartwell
, Margaret Jones
, Sandra Storey
, Elaine Baptie
, Randi Ann Doll
, Janice Cournoyer
, Robert Hykawy
, Susi Lovell
, Lynn Bechtel
, Barbara Leckie
, Mary Lester
, C. Ray
, Denise Duvall
, Mary Danieli
, Diane O'Flaherty
, Pamela Bruce
, Penelope Penner
, Jennifer Beyak
, Joann Horgan
, BJ Underwood
, Debbie Rodgers
, Jasmeet Gill
, Shannon Lee
, Chris Lantz
, Anika Brandt
, Christopher Rossignol





Heather Norris

Set in Prague and narrated by the 600-year-old Charles Bridge, this novel begins with an lephant named Sál escaping the Prague Zoo. As the elephant moves through the beautiful Czech city, the lives of the men and women she meets are altered by the encounter. Each character is at a crossroads, and desperately seeking the wisdom they need to wrestle with profound questions—how to live, how to love, who to love, how to heal. And the elephant herself is haunted, as memories of her long-ago capture in Africa resurface.

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