The Story of My Life Ongoing, by C.S. Cobb
The Story of My Life Ongoing, by C.S. Cobb
Marilyn Stanley
, Margo Beredjiklian
, Jude Castillo
, Chantal Comeau
, Deb Philippon
, Melissa Kohlman
, Sandra Furlotte
, Paula Adam
, Linda Leitch
, Sharon Fyke
, Deana Bueley
, Noelle Walsh
, Diane McPherson
, Melanie Solar
, Tami Osato
, Benita Hartwell
, Cathy White
, Natasa Ilic
, Alex Naquin
, Kayla Bumstead
, LJ Law
, Holly Elisabeth
, Ashley Hisson
, Laurie Burns
, Janice B Knickle
, Lilly Ed
, Pamela Humphrey
, Katie Pakulak
, Barry Kazimer
, Meghan Redmile
, Josh Robinson
, Andrea Pole
, Félixe Laganière
, Bruce Retallack
, Stephanie Walters
, Tanis Anne
, Siu Fong
, Meghan Whyte
, Paula Ritchie
, Janice Cournoyer
, Patricia Johnson
, Rosa Cross
, Rodney Cross
, Pamela Roberts Griffith
, Kat Sommer-Derksen
, Kim Cappellina
, Heather Norris
, Nancy Steinhausen
, Megan Brodie
, Char Krausnick
, jane luce
, Christine Lion
, P. Thompson
, Alanna King
, Alex Henderson
, Caleb Nault
, Mary Campbell
, Alissa Bender
, Diane O'Flaherty
, Catherine Westerberg
, arnab ghosh
, Susan Terendy
, Ellen Clarke
, Ellen Helleur
, Joann Horgan
, Leslie Vermeer
, Penelope Penner
, Gina Bergman
, Andrea Gillespie
, Ruth Osgood
, Diana Richardson
, Margaret Palmer
, Sara Conway
, Melissa Poremba
, Mary-Esther Lee
, Lisa Mallia
, Vivian Thorgeirson
, Shelley McPhee
, Randi Ann Doll
, Cindy Bodini
, Pat Johnston
Corey Cobb was born intersex, but because Corey's father and stepmother didn't make a big deal of it, it isn't until Corey's dad dies suddenly and Corey is back with a disapproving mother that making a gender choice becomes an issue. Corey is now legally old enough to refuse medical intervention--but not old enough to prevent "choosing not to choose" being considered by Corey's mother to be a psychiatric problem. While in the youth psych ward, Corey meets Kim, diagnosed as anorexic, and together, the teens discover important, perhaps catastrophic, truths about each one's past.