New ebooks From Canadian Indies

McGill-Queen's University Press

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What the World Might Look Like

What the World Might Look Like

Decolonial Stories of Resilience and Refusal
by Susie O’Brien
also available: Paperback Hardcover
tagged : non-classifiable
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Restless in Sleep Country

Restless in Sleep Country

Imagination and the Cultural Politics of Sleep
by Paul Huebener
also available: Hardcover eBook
tagged : canadian, sleep & sleep disorders
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Nietzsche as Stylist

Nietzsche as Stylist

Aesthetics and Philosophy
by Martine Béland
also available: Paperback eBook
tagged : individual philosophers, aesthetics
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Bach's Architecture of Gratitude

Bach's Architecture of Gratitude

On the Genius of the Mass in B Minor
by James Crooks
also available: Hardcover
tagged : classical, philosophy & social aspects
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More Richly in Earth

More Richly in Earth

A Poet's Search for Mary MacLeod
by Marilyn Bowering
tagged : literary, personal memoirs
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