New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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The Deserter's Tale

The Deserter's Tale

The Story of an Ordinary Soldier Who Walked Away from the War in Iraq
by Joshua Key, as told by Lawrence Hill
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : military, human rights

Joshua Key's critically acclaimed memoir, The Deserter's Tale, is the first account from a soldier who deserted from the war in Iraq, and a vivid and damning indictment of how the war is being waged.

In spring 2003, young Oklahoman Joshua Key was sent to Ramadi as part of a combat engineer company with the U.S. military. The war he found himself par …

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Salvage King, Ya!

Salvage King, Ya!

A Herky-Jerky Picaresque
by Mark Anthony Jarman
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : literary

Finalist, ReLit Award's 50 Essential Canadian Books selection

First published in 1997 to much critical acclaim, Salvage King, Ya! is a novel firmly rooted in Canada’s favourite national pastime—hockey. Critics have called Salvage King, Ya! “the great Canadian novel,” and a “postmodern Canadian classic.” Drinkwater, Jarman’s n …

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The Door is Open

The Door is Open

Memoir of a Soup Kitchen Volunteer
by Bart Campbell
0 ratings
tagged : volunteer work

Finalist, Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize (BC Book Prizes)

Finalist, City of Vancouver Book Prize

Long listed for CBC Canada Reads 2015

The Door Is Open is a compassionate, reflective, and informative memoir about three-and-a-half years spent volunteering at a skid row drop-in centre in Vancouver’s downtown eastside. In an area most renowned for its …

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The House With the Broken Two

The House With the Broken Two

A Birthmother Remembers
by Myrl Coulter
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
age: 16
Grade: 11
tagged : women

Winner, SFU Writer's Studio's First Book Competition (2010)

Winner, Canadian Authors Association Exporting Alberta Award (2011)

Unmarried and pregnant in 1968 Winnipeg, teenager Myrl Coulter found herself at a loss. Unable (and perhaps unwilling) to support her child, Myrl’s parents forced her to give the baby up for adoption. After being sent to a …

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Confessions of a Small Press Racketeer

Confessions of a Small Press Racketeer

by Stuart Ross
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : canadian

Best Books of 2005, Ottawa Xpress

Writer's Trust of Canada's "Warm Weather Reads Recommended by Writers" list (recommended by Robert Hough)

Confessions of a Small Press Racketeer is equal parts literary memoir, advice for the emerging writer, and reckless tirade. Ross has been active in the Canadian literary underground for a quarter of a century: he …

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Swinging a Hammer in a Man's World
by Kate Braid
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
age: 15
Grade: 10
tagged : personal memoirs, women, women's studies

Since women started working in the trades in the 1970s, very little has been published about their experiences. In this provocative and important book, Kate Braid tells the story of how she became a carpenter in the face of skepticism and discouragement.

In 1977 when Braid was broke and out of work, her male friends encouraged her to apply as a labo …

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Drugstore Cowgirl

Drugstore Cowgirl

Adventures in the Cariboo-Chilcotin
by Patricia Joy MacKay
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : women, western provinces, personal memoirs

In 1964, Patricia MacKay immigrated to Canada from England in search of the wild-open lands and cowboy culture that captivated her as a child. In the 1960s, the Wild West was still alive and kicking in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, although it had been tamed—a little. Old-time hospitality and helping anyone in need was the acknowledged way of life.

Pat l …

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We Have Impact

We Have Impact

by Brian Boigon
0 ratings
tagged : essays, popular culture

We Have Impact is a collection of short essays on design and society. The book was conceived as an exercise in both thinking and framing design into a poetic system of language and verse. The contents and its aggressive periodicity are braided into a single written design project. We Have Impact addresses how the problem of design itself has been o …

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Accelerated Paces

Accelerated Paces

Travels Across Borders and Other Imaginary Boundaries
by Jim Oaten
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs

Dodging down back-alleys in bomb-torn Beirut. Wheeling past God and traffic in Mombassa, Kenya. Slipping around the edges of Alzheimer's disease, the Gulf War, and the eternity of CNN.

Set somewhere between here and the heat-death of the universe, Jim Oaten's debut collection serves up random samples of literal and literary truth scooped up at top s …

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Journeys in Time and Place
by Genni Gunn
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs, literary

Tracks is a compilation of personal travel essays that range across three continents: from Italy, where Genni Gunn was born and spent her early years, to Canada and Mexico, and through Asia, where she has travelled many times, both reconnecting with her sister and witnessing the emergence of new political realities in Myanmar. While these are journ …

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The Deaf House

The Deaf House

by Joanne Weber
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs, learning disabilities

The Deaf House is Joanne Weber’s life story. It illustrates the work and passion of a woman who grew up deaf and became an advocate for the deaf. It is a story of pain, loss and defeat balanced with joy, gain, and victory. Joanne Weber’s creative memoir, shows how deafness can be a brutal oppression of the mind. Her torment of not knowing exact …

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Third Best Hull

Third Best Hull

by Dennis Hull, with Robert J. Thompson
0 ratings
tagged : sports, hockey


A new edition of the much-loved memoir

Hockey legend Gordie Howe once said there were two superstars in the Hull family: Bobby, the Golden Jet and one of the greatest players ever to tie up a pair of skates, and his brother Dennis, who had a solid career with the Chicago Blackhawks, and is now one of the most sought-after public speakers in North A …

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Butterfly Mind

Butterfly Mind

Revolution, Recovery, and One Reporter's Road to Understanding China
by Brown, Patrick
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : editors, journalists, publishers, communism & socialism, china

Fascinating, revelatory, and powerful, Butterfly MindM is a memorable work from a renowned reporter on the front line of history.

In this memoir, award-winning journalist Patrick Brown weaves together three stories: the first is Brown's own education as a journalist over the past twenty-five years, and his parallel struggle with alcoholism. The seco …

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My Life as a Dame

My Life as a Dame

The Personal and Political Writings of Christina McCall
edited by Stephen Clarkson, by Christina McCall
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : editors, journalists, publishers, women's studies, essays

In February 1956, a remarkable young woman named Christina McCall began her working life as an editorial secretary at Maclean's magazine. It was a legendary time there, when the likes of Pierre Berton, Robert Fulford, June Callwood, Peter Gzowski, and Peter C. Newman graced the magazine's pages. McCall would come to join that illustrious group, and …

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Rebel Without A Pause

Rebel Without A Pause

A Memoir
by Nick Ternette
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : social activists

Rebel Without A Pause is the autobiography of Winnipeg’s best-known and most persistent political activist, Nick Ternette. For over forty years, Nick was one of the loudest voices of the Left, who ran for mayor multiple times and never shied away from asking elected officials tough questions. A champion of the rights of the poor and the disabled, …

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Rain on a Distant Roof

Rain on a Distant Roof

A Personal Journey Through Lyme Disease in Canada
by Vanessa Farnsworth
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
age: 15 to 18
Grade: 10 to 12
tagged : personal memoirs, infectious diseases

Rain on a Distant Roof takes readers inside the frightening but fascinating world of Lyme disease in Canada. This is the story of one woman's struggle to understand the disease that's destroying her body and mind. Armed with a confusing diagnosis, a baffling array of symptoms, and a body that's filled with diabolical bacteria, she sets out to unrav …

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Wolf Spirit

Wolf Spirit

A Story of Healing, Wolves and Wonder
by Gudrun Pflüger
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs, women, wolves

When diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour, Gudrun Pflüger was told she had eighteen months left to live. Taking the wolf—a true “endurance athlete”—as her model, she immerses herself in the wilderness of the mountain ranges of western Canada and focuses her mind and body on a mysterious and inspirational path toward self-healing.

Throu …

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Letters to Brian

Letters to Brian

A Year of Living and Remembrance
by Martha Brooks
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs, death, grief, bereavement

In daily love letters written to her husband and soul companion, Brian, over the year following his death from brain cancer, critically acclaimed author, playwright, and jazz singer Martha Brooks leads us on a journey through grief that is both deeply personal and undeniably universal.


By turns funny, shattering, and uplifting, Brooks wrestles with …

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The Steppes Are the Colour of Sepia

The Steppes Are the Colour of Sepia

by Connie Braun
0 ratings
tagged :

The Steppes Are the Colour of Sepia: A Mennonite Memoir invites the reader to embark on a journey that traces the paths of ancestral memory over the steppes of the Russian empire to the valleys of Canada's Fraser River. Connie Braun's narrative continues where Sandra Birdsell's historical fiction Russlander has left off – back to the catastrophic …

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A Gillnet's Drift

A Gillnet's Drift

Tales of Fish and Freedom on the BC Coast
by W.N. Marach
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : cultural heritage, personal memoirs

One Friday morning in the spring of 1972, an ad in the Vancouver Sun caught Nick Marach’s eye: GILLNETTER FOR SALE. A young architect who had just returned to the west coast from a yearlong motorcycle trip abroad, Marach was not looking for a change of career—but he was looking for a boat to live on, and the price of the old gillnetter was chea …

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Inside The Mental

Inside The Mental

Silence, Stigma, Psychiatry, and LSD
by Kay Parley
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs, history, medical

Before she became a psychiatric nurse at "The Mental" in the 1950s, Kay Parley was a patient there, as were the father she barely remembered and the grandfather she'd never met. Part memoir, part history, and beautifully written, Inside The Mental offers an episodic journey into the stigma, horror, and redemption that she found within the instituti …

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Accident of Fate

Accident of Fate

A Personal Account, 1938–1945
by Imre Rochlitz & Joseph Rochlitz
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : historical, holocaust, personal memoirs

Accident of Fate is a first-hand account of persecution, rescue, and resistance in the Axis-occupied former Yugoslavia. At the age of thirteen, Imre Rochlitz fled to Yugoslavia from his childhood home in Vienna following the Nazi Anschluss, leaving his family behind. In January 1942 the Ustashe (Croatian Fascists) arrested and interned him in the …

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Where Courage Lives

Where Courage Lives

by Muegette Myers
0 ratings
tagged : historical, jewish studies, 20th century

From the bustling city of Paris to the quaint, countryside village of Champlost, France, Where Courage Lives follows ten-year-old Muguette Szpajzer and her family as they sought refuge from the war. Written in vignettes with child-like charm and innocence, Muguette’s memoir provides rich insight into rural life during wartime upheaval, honouring …

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Not Exactly As Planned

Not Exactly As Planned

A Memoir of Adoption, Secrets and Abiding Love
by Linda Rosenbaum
0 ratings
tagged : adoption & fostering, people with disabilities, women's studies

Not Exactly As Planned is a captivating, deeply moving account of adoption and the unexpected challenges of raising a child with fetal alcohol syndrome. Linda Rosenbaum’s life takes a major turn when her son, adopted at birth, is diagnosed with irreversible brain damage. With love, hope and all the medical knowledge she can accumulate, she sets o …

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Places, Please!

Places, Please!

Becoming a Jersey Boy
by Daniel Robert Sullivan
0 ratings
tagged : acting & auditioning, broadway & musical revue

A Jersey Boys book. A Jersey Boys story. A Broadway memoir. A how-to guide to making it on Broadway. Everyone's heard of JERSEY BOYS. Thirteen million people have seen the show, totaling more than $1 billion in worldwide ticket sales. The cast members have performed on Oprah , the Today show, Dancing with the Stars, and at the Emmy Awards. Their re …

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by Jacqui Kelley-Kinnie
0 ratings
tagged : family life, biographical

Books about abused and emotionally disturbed children are usually clinical and professional in nature; they seldom engage a reader’s curiosity, heart and funny bone all at the same time. Nutmeg, the story of one such child and the help and solace offered her through a network of caring people, is not so much a clinical study as a beautifully tol …

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The Honourable Member for Vegreville

The Memoirs and Diary of Anthony Hlynka, M.P. (1940-49)
edited and translated by Oleh W. Gerus & Denis Hlynka, by Anthony Hlynka
0 ratings
tagged : political

Translated from personal memoirs and diaries, this is a compelling story of Anthony Hlynka, the only sitting Member of Parliament of Ukrainian origin from 1940 to 1945. Representing the constituency of Vegreville, Alberta, for the Social Credit party, Hlynka was a high-profile Member of Parliament who garnered much attention from the English-langua …

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Memories, Dreams, Nightmares

Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor
by Jack Weiss
0 ratings
tagged : political

It is hardly an understatement to say that each person who lived through the Holocaust lived through a different holocaust. Consider the story of Jack Weiss, who, at the age of fourteen, was deported from Hungary to the notorious death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Desperate to stay with his father, and barely able to pass as a grown man, he recounts …

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The Last Illusion

Letters from Dutch Immigrants in the "Land of Opportunity" 1924-1930
edited and translated by Herman Ganzevoort
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs

Until now, information about Dutch immigration to Canada has been scarce as much was lost during the German occupation of Holland during World War II. However, Herman Ganzevoort was able to unearth and translate rare letters and articles written by Dutch immigrants during the 1920s, which offer new insight into the struggles the Dutch faced to fit …

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Leaving Iran

Leaving Iran

Between Migration and Exile
by Goldin Farideh
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs, jewish studies

In 1976, at the age of twenty-three, Farideh Goldin left Iran in search of her imagined America. She sought an escape from the suffocation she felt under the cultural rules of her country and the future her family had envisioned for her. While she settled uneasily into American life, the political unrest in Iran intensified and in February of 1979, …

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Retired at 48

Retired at 48

One Couple's Journey to a Pensionless Retirement
by English, A.R.
0 ratings
tagged : retirement planning, personal memoirs

There was a time when it was common to have a company pension to live on after you stopped working. These days, company pensions are rare and a large percentage of the workforce needs to rely on their own savings to fund their retirement years. How do you figure out how much you need to retire, and how many years that money will last? Do you dream …

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Autobiography and Canadian Literature
edited by K. P. Stich
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged :

This volume discusses the autobiographical inclination in Canadian literature, exploring works by such writers as Alice Munro, W.O. Mitchell, Michael Ondaatje, John Glassco, and Susanna Moodie. Others works, including the oral memoirs of a Métis, an Inuit’s account as being civil servant in Ottawa, and the autobiographical writings of pioneer wo …

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An Unauthorized Biography of the World

An Unauthorized Biography of the World

Oral History on the Front Lines
by Michael Riordon
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs, political, social history

An Unauthorized Biography of the World explores the practice of engaged oral history: the difficult, sometimes dangerous work of recovering fragments of human story that have gone missing from the official versions.

Michael Riordon has thirty years’ experience as a writer and broadcaster in the field. Readers will encounter a gallery of brave, pa …

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Memoir of a Good Death

Memoir of a Good Death

by Anne Sorbie
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : literary

This is a story of family, of death, and of the art of living. It is also the story of the ties that bind a mother to a daughter and the dynamics that govern their love. Shaped as a memoir, shared by Sarah Flett and her daughter Rhegan, the narrative begins with the death of Sarah's husband and builds in complexity with the untimely and sudden deat …

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The Veiled Sun

The Veiled Sun

From Auschwitz to New Beginnings
by Paul Schaffer, introduction by Simone Veil
0 ratings
tagged : environmental policy

The Veiled Sun: From Auschwitz to New Beginnings by Paul Schaffer and Translated from the French by Vivian Felsen with a Foreword by Serge Klarsfeld and an Introduction by Simone Veil.

The Veiled Sun is a Holocaust memoir written in a highly literate style. Paul Schaffer spent his teenage years on the run from the Nazis in Austria, Belgium and Fran …

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Laboring Positions

Laboring Positions

Black Women, Mothering and the Academy
edited by Sekile Nzinga-Johnson
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies

Laboring Positions aims to disrupt the dominant discourse on academic women’s mothering experiences. Black women’s maternity is assumed, and yet is also silenced within the disembodied, patriarchal, racist, antifamily, and increasingly neoliberal work environment of academia. This volume acknowledges the salience of the institutional challenges …

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Women of the Klondike

Women of the Klondike

The 15Th Anniversary Edition
by Frances Backhouse, foreword by Pierre Berton
also available: Paperback Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : 17th century, post-confederation (1867-)

Discover the compelling stories of the brave and adventurous women whose lives were forever changed by the Klondike gold rush. When the steamship Portland docked in Seattle's harbour in 1897, a group of scruffy men and women walked down the gangplank. There was nothing remarkable about them, except they were dragging sacks stuffed with half a milli …

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Little Girl Lost

Little Girl Lost

by Betty Rich
0 ratings
tagged : historical, jewish studies, 20th century

When the Nazis invaded her small town of Zdun´ska Wola, Poland, in 1939, sixteen-year-old Basia Kohn (later Betty Rich) escaped into Soviet-occupied Poland. Over the next five years, her journey took her thousands of kilometres from a forced labour camp in the far north of the USSR to the subtropical Soviet Georgian region and back to Poland. Afte …

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Texas Girl

Texas Girl

A Memoir
by Robin Silbergleid
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies

At twenty-seven years old, Robin Silbergleid decided to become a single mother. Not as a backup or Plan B, but as first choice. In her memoir Texas Girl, she raises fundamental questions about the nature of family and maternity at the turn of the twenty-first century. At a moment when SMCs grace the covers of magazines and Hollywood films, Texas Gi …

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Maggie & Me

Maggie & Me

A Memoir
by Damian Barr
0 ratings
tagged : personal memoirs

Long-listed for the Green Carnation Prize and The Sunday Times' selection for Memoir of the Year.

"This amazing book tells the story of an appalling childhood with truth and clarity unsmudged by self-pity. It grips from beginning to end.” — Diana Athill, Costa Book Award–winning author of Somewhere Towards the End

Frank McCourt’s Angela’s …

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Knocking on Every Door

Knocking on Every Door

by Anka Voticky
0 ratings
tagged : jewish studies, historical, 20th century

As Hitler’s army swept into Czechoslovakia in 1939, Anka Voticky, a twenty-five-year-old mother of two, her husband, Arnold, and her family fled halfway around the world to an unlikely refuge – the Chinese port of Shanghai. Estranged from all that was familiar, their security was threatened yet again when the Japanese occupying the city forced …

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Telling Stories and Storytelling African Maternal Pedagogies
by Adwoa Ntozake Onuora
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies

Anansesem: Telling Stories and Storytelling African Maternal Pedagogies is a composite story on African-Canadian mothers’ experiences of teaching and learning while mothering. It seeks to celebrate the African mother’s everyday experiences and honour her embodied and cultural knowledges as important sites of meaning making and discovery for the …

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Motherhood Memoirs

Motherhood Memoirs

Mothers Creating/Writing Lives
edited by Justine Dymond & Nicole Willeyn
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies

The authors in this collection examine and critique motherhood memoir, alongside the texts of their own lives, while seeking to transform mothering practice— highlighting revolutionary praxis within books, or, when none is available, creating new visions for social change. Many essays interrogate the tensions of maternal narrative—the negotiati …

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Memoirs of a Media Maverick

Memoirs of a Media Maverick

by Boyce Richardson
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : editors, journalists, publishers

Memoirs of a Media Maverick is an insider's critical account of the modern media. Richardson tells the intriguing story of his travels as a journalist and filmmaker in New Zealand, Australia, India, Britain, and Canada.

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a selection of prose and poetry by Italian Canadian writers
edited by Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni
0 ratings
tagged : anthologies (multiple authors)

This is the third anthology of Italian Canadian writers organized and edited by Caroline Morgan Di Giovanni with support from Centro Scuola e Cultura Italiana, Toronto. The first Italian Canadian Voices in 1984 contained the first English language translation of Mario Duliani's Petawawa memoirs, other works in the post WWII era, plus some early wor …

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Nobody Cries at Bingo

Nobody Cries at Bingo

by Dawn Dumont
1 rating
Grade: 10
tagged : humorous

Author and narrator Dawn Dumont paints a picture which goes beyond many cultural stereotypes. She talks about drinking and bingo and the toughness needed to deal with bullying by the other natives and also by her white peers. Readers see reserves in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan from the native point of view. There is a sense of how distanced thes …

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Safe House

Safe House

Explorations in Creative Nonfiction
edited by Ellah Wakatama Allfrey
0 ratings
tagged : essays, yearbooks & annuals

Illuminating African narratives for readers both inside and outside the continent.

A Nigerian immigrant to Senegal explores the increasing influence of China across the region, a Kenyan student activist writes of exile in Kampala, a Liberian scientist shares her diary of the Ebola crisis, a Nigerian journalist travels to the north to meet a com …

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A Drastic Turn of Destiny

A Drastic Turn of Destiny

by Fred Mann
0 ratings
tagged : jewish studies, 20th century, historical

Under the Yellow & Red Stars is a remarkable story of survival, coming of age and homecoming after years as a stranger in a strange land. Alex Levin was only ten years old when he ran deep into the forest after the Germans invaded his hometown of Rokitno and only twelve when he emerged from hiding to find that he had neither parents nor a community …

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Under the Red and Yellow Stars

Under the Red and Yellow Stars

by Alex Levin
0 ratings
tagged : jewish studies, 20th century, historical

Under the Yellow & Red Stars is a remarkable story of survival, coming of age and homecoming after years as a stranger in a strange land. Alex Levin was only ten years old when he ran deep into the forest after the Germans invaded his hometown of Rokitno and only twelve when he emerged from hiding to find that he had neither parents nor a community …

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When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining

When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining

by Christopher J.A. Morry
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : canada, post-confederation (1867-)

On their march towards the Somme, and Beaumont Hamel, the young men of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment raised their voices to sing “When the Great Red Dawn is Shining,” a song about returning home to the people they love. Howard Morry was one of the young men who managed to make it back. And now, one hundred years after the events that changed …

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