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by Ann Walsh
0 ratings
tagged : death & dying, values & virtues, adolescence

Sixteen-year-old Darrah is in trouble. She lost her temper and, as a result, Mrs. Johnson, was hurt. Now her parents want her to go to something called a "Restorative Justice" circle that the RCMP suggested. Darrah has to face her parents, Mrs. Johnson, a policewoman, and a "facilitator" who all sit in a circle and decide on Darrah's "sanctions." S …

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I'll Be Home Soon

I'll Be Home Soon

by Luanne Armstrong
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
age: 10 to 15
Grade: 7
tagged : adolescence, homelessness & poverty

In I’ll Be Home Soon, Luanne Armstrong takes the reader on a tension-filled ride as Regan, a young girl living in the inner city, searches for her mother who has mysteriously disappeared. Homeless but by no means hapless, Regan is on her own much of the time but also receives help from a wide diversity of people: a young homeless boy like herself …

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