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Strange Bedfellows

Strange Bedfellows

The Private Lives of Words
by Howard Richler
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
age: 15
Grade: 10
tagged : etymology

The bawdy English language has never been overly concerned with purity, and this promiscuous proclivity has contributed to many alluring word histories. Words, like species, evolve, and particularly those words that have been in existence for many centuries have undergone major evolutions in meaning. When you read Strange Bedfellows: The Private Li …

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Can I Have a Word with You?

Can I Have a Word with You?

by Howard Richler
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
age: 15
Grade: 10
tagged : etymology

In his fifth book about language, Howard Richler moves from A to Z with a specifically chosen word for every letter of the alphabet. What especially intrigues him is how words come to mean what they mean, how they lose some meanings and gain others. Always humorous, Richler invites readers into the intimacy of language and allows us to delight in t …

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