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Storm Warning

Storm Warning

Water and Climate Security in a Changing World
by Robert William Sandford
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, hydrology, environmental policy

Human beings and industrial-based society are changing the composition of our planet’s atmosphere and causing it to warm at an unnatural and oftentimes astonishingly rapid rate. Much of that warmth is being absorbed by water, which as a result is moving through the global hydrological cycle faster and in unprecedented ways. A warmer atmosphere ca …

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The Climate Nexus

The Climate Nexus

Water, Food, Energy and Biodiversity in a Changing World
by Dr. Jon O'Riordan & Robert William Sandford
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, environmental policy, hydrology

Secure supplies of water, food and energy are essential to human dignity and well-being around the globe. In turn, the vitality of these three depends on a thriving biodiversity supported by healthy ecosystems. The complex interdependence among these four factors is known as the Nexus.

Global demand for the first three elements is increasing due to …

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The Columbia River Treaty

The Columbia River Treaty

A Primer
by Robert William Sandford; Deborah Harford & Dr. Jon O'Riordan
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : hydrology, ecology, environmental conservation & protection, environmental policy

Provocative, passionate and populist, RMB Manifestos are short and concise non-fiction books of literary, critical, and cultural studies.

The Columbia River Treaty ratification in 1964 created the largest hydropower project in North America, with additional emphasis on flood protection for the United States. As the treaty approaches its 60th anniver …

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