New ebooks From Canadian Indies

Loners & Outcasts

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Don't Tell, Don't Tell, Don't Tell

Don't Tell, Don't Tell, Don't Tell

by Liane Shaw
also available: Paperback
tagged : friendship, loners & outcasts, disabilities & special needs
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by Vicki Grant
also available: Paperback Hardcover
tagged : law & crime, values & virtues, loners & outcasts
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I looked at his driver's license. He was five foot nine, 150 pounds and had blue eyes. What do you know? Same as me. I almost laughed. Funny how we could be so much alike and so different at the same time. Andrew Ashbury got everything he could ever want and I got nothing.
How did that happen? I stared at his face. What was so great about him? He was no better than me.

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by Vicki Grant
also available: Paperback
tagged : values & virtues, law & crime, loners & outcasts
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Miré su licencia de conducir. Medía cinco pies nueve pulgadas. Pesaba 150 libras y tenía los ojos azules. Qué coincidencia, igual que yo. Casi me dio risa. Era increíble cómo podíamos ser iguales y a la vez diferentes. Andrew Ashbury tenía todo lo quería y yo no tenía nada.
¿Cómo suceden esas cosas? Me fijé en su cara. ¿Qué tenía de especial? No era mejor que yo.

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by Diane Tullson
also available: Hardcover Paperback Audiobook
tagged : loners & outcasts, law & crime, violence
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It's like the entire school floods into the stairwell. People pound down the stairs toward us. Their voices clamor, frightened voices. They push and shove toward the blocked exit door, trying to escape the school.
Like fish in a bucket, that's what we are. My mouth goes dry. A locked stairwell seems like a good place to kill a lot of people at one time. I grab Zoe's hand.
"Come on. We have to go back up."

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Under the Moon

Under the Moon

by Deborah Kerbel
also available: Paperback
tagged : depression, loners & outcasts, girls & women
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