New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $19.95
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category: Biography & Autobiography
published: Oct 2010
publisher: Athabasca University Press
imprint: AU Press

Roy & Me

A Memoir and Then Some

by Maurice Yacowar

tagged: personal memoirs

Best known for his service with the Special Air Service during theSecond World War, Roy Farran served as a politician in the LegislativeAssembly of Alberta for Premier Peter Lougheed. During his time as asoldier, Farran allegedly kidnapped and murdered a sixteen-year-oldmember of the Lehi group. Maurice Yacowar challenges genre and form inRoy & Me, a cross between memoir and fiction, truth anddistortion. It is the exploration of Yacowar’s relationship withRoy Farran in a memoir that edges toward fiction by venturing intoFarran’s thoughts.

About the Author

Maurice Yacowar

Contributor Notes

Maurice Yacowar is a professor emeritus in theDepartment of English at the University of Calgary. He also taughtat Brock University, where he helped establish Canada’s firstfilm studies program.

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