
Norman: Do you think I’m old-fashioned? Patrick: No. Old-fashioned is someone who is behind the current time. You’re in a different time altogether. Like this fellow here. He points to the newspaper. Norman: That's George Bernard Shaw. Patrick: Well, that's the time you belong in. George Bernard Shaw’s time. Oh, look. He points at the counter. A lady bug. Norman: What? Patrick: A lady bug. There. On your newspaper. Norman: Oh. So it is. Patrick picks up the newspaper slowly. Patrick: Lady bug lady bug fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children are gone. Norman: That's a disturbing poem, isn't it? Patrick: Hold out your hands.? Norman: What for?? Patrick: Just hold out your hands. Patrick gently moves the newspaper over to Norman’s hand and brushes the lady bug into Norman’s palms. Now, make a wish.