New ebooks From Canadian Indies


Showing 241-248 of 565 books
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New Under the Sun

New Under the Sun

by Kevin Major
tagged : historical, literary, native american & aboriginal
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Nicolai's Daughters

Nicolai's Daughters

by Stella Leventoyannis Harvey
also available: Paperback
tagged : literary
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Behind the fenced grounds of the museum stood a life-sized sculpture. A scene. Alexia moved closer, knotted her fingers through the mesh. The sculpture had turned green under the sun, rain and all the other things that hit it. Still, the four stone figures seemed so real. A dead man in a suit lay on a blanket; his eyes open to the sky. A woman tugged at the blanket where his body lay. A young boy no more than six or seven pulled at her sleeve as if to persuade her to let go, leave the dead man behind. Another figure stood apart from the rest. A girl, younger, her arms helplessly by her sides.

Alexia searched the girl's vacant gaze and tightened her grip on the fence. Images flashed. Lights. A chill. Something cold in her hand. The girl must be the same age she was when... She couldn't think of this right now. Not now.

"Things happen to us," Christina said softly, and put her arm on Alexia's back. "One day everything okay. The next all is wrong."

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Night Street

Night Street

by Kristel Thornell
also available: Paperback
tagged : literary, biographical, historical
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by Dimitri Nasrallah
tagged : literary
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Nine Inches

Nine Inches

by Tom Perrotta
tagged : short stories (single author), literary, family life
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No Pain Like This Body

No Pain Like This Body

by Harold Sonny Ladoo
also available: Audiobook Audiobook Paperback
tagged : literary
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Nondescript Rambunctious

Nondescript Rambunctious

by Jackie Bateman
also available: Paperback
tagged : literary
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North East

North East

by Wendy McGrath
also available: Paperback
tagged : literary
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