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category: Biography & Autobiography
published: Feb 1996
publisher: University of Calgary Press

A Baltic Odyssey

War and Survival

by Jurgen von Rosen & Martha von Rosen, edited by Elvi Whittaker

tagged: personal memoirs

Baroness Martha von Rosen, a Baltic German aristocrat, and her memories of the last year of the Second World War and the diary of her late husband, Baron Jürgen von Rosen, taken prisoner by the Allied forces during the war, together pay homage to the assertion that history can be a decidedly individual event.

Martha von Rosen has written a moving and truly heroic account of her flight from Geppertsfeld, Poland.

In his diary, the Baron gives a standing testimonial to the horrors of imprisonment. He chronicles an experience quite foreign to our conventional knowledge of the enemy in the immediate post-war years and the conduct of the Allied forces toward their captives.

About the Authors

Jurgen von Rosen

Martha von Rosen

Elvi Whittaker is professor emerita of anthropology at the University of British Columbia.

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