New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.99
also available: Audiobook Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Oct 2013
publisher: Book*hug Press


by Andre Alexis

tagged: literary, occult & supernatural

A is a work of fiction in which André Alexis presents the compelling narrative of Alexander Baddeley, a Toronto book reviewer obsessed with the work of the elusive and mythical poet Avery Andrews. Baddeley is in awe of Andrews's ability as a poet—more than anything he wants to understand the inspiration behind his work—so much so that, following in the footsteps of countless pilgrims throughout literary history, Baddeley tracks Andrews down thinking that meeting his literary hero will provide some answers. Their meeting results in a meditation and a revelation about the creative act itself that generates more and more questions about what it means to be "inspired"

About the Author

Andre Alexis

Editorial Review

"A propulsive read, effortless and a little is genuinely fascinating, a work whose rich complexities belie its brevity." —The Winnipeg Review

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