New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.99
category: Fiction
published: Sep 2015
publisher: Iguana Books

An Uncompromising Place

by Keith Weaver

tagged: historical, thrillers, literary

Richard Gould was looking forward to his retirement, to spending at least part of his time in the heritage home he had renovated in a quiet village in Ontario, and particularly to his major project—bringing a ruin back to its former glory as a flour mill. The discovery of two old books hidden in the ruin promised to add extra spice to this project, until he was drawn into events that were at first odd, then ominous, and all too soon lethal. Inexorably, Gould was carried deeper into a dangerous web and finally to a murderous encounter near the historic German city of Heidelberg.

About the Author

Keith Weaver

Having successfully retired from a long and fulfilling engineering career, Keith Weaver has made the switch to an enduring passion: writing. The present book, Big White, joins his other six novels, one novella, two books of short stories, and the memoir in tribute to his extraordinary wife, Maggie. There are further books in the pipeline. For an addicted reader and someone who has always had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, writing provides the perfect means to integrate all his interests in science, history, philosophy, languages, and technology, and to pursue fresh knowledge on every front. Things that anchor him to the real world are cooking, touring and visiting friends in Europe, bread-making, wine tasting in vineyards, spending time with many good friends, and enjoying the company of his two cats.

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