New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: eBook
category: Business & Economics
published: Aug 2012
publisher: Linda Leith Publishing

Are We On Yet?

Insider Secrets on How to be Interviewed (and other essential media skills)

by Tommy Schnurmacher

tagged: management science, public relations, mentoring & coaching

Are We on Yet: Insider Tips on How to be Interviewed (and other essential media skills) teaches you how to be interviewed. Revealed by a veteran award-winning broadcaster, these tips will enhance your profits by giving you the ability to have radio and TV producers begging YOU to do an interview. You will be told exactly what to do and how to develop media savvy. Short, concise, funny and to the point, these practical, effective and easy-to-use insider techniques will enable you to enhance your product and do justice to your brand. The author is so convinced that his techniques will work for you that he is willing to make a personal no-hassle money back guarantee. If after trying his suggestions for three months, you have not improved your ability to communicate and hype what you want to sell, just return the book with your proof of purchase and you will get the purchase price cheerfully returned to you. Now how many media training operations will make this kind of guarantee?

About the Author
Tommy Schnurmacher

Tommy Schnurmacher is a national award-winning broadcaster who has interviewed Canadian prime ministers, Arianna Huffington, Pulitzer prize-winning novelist Jeffrey Eugenides, and show business personalities like Clint Eastwood, Catherine Deneuve, and Charlie Sheen.

Contributor Notes

Tommy Schnurmacher is a national award-winning broadcaster who has interviewed Canadian prime ministers, Arianna Huffington, Pulitzer prize-winning novelist Jeffrey Eugenides, and show business personalities like Clint Eastwood, Catherine Deneuve, and Charlie Sheen.

Editorial Review

"It's really not all that complicated, whether you are being interviewed by the local weekly or the New York Times, whether you're on community cable TV or 60 Minutes, chatting on NPR or schmoozing with Howard Stern. You can spend thousands of dollars attending time-consuming and expensive media training, or you can get hold of this book. Count yourself lucky you found this book before your competitors did. Tommy Schnurmacher is not only a talented professional broadcaster; he understands the power of radio and the power of storytelling. Tommy's got passion. He believes in using the airwaves to inform, entertain, inspire and to help shape a better world." - Valerie Geller, Beyond Powerful Radio A Communicator's Guide to the Internet Age

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