New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $13.99
also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Apr 2012
publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd
imprint: Harper Perennial Canada


by Catherine McKenzie


Anne Blythe has rotten luck with men. After the last one flees, she decides she needs a new approach to relationships. When she comes across a card for what she believes to be a dating service, Anne is shocked to discover that the company specializes in arranged marriages. But she decides to go for it, and things seem to be really working out—until she learns the shocking truth about her new man, and the agency that set them up.

About the Author

Catherine McKenzie

Catherine McKenzie was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. A graduate of McGill University in history and law, Catherine practiced law for twenty years before leaving to write full time. An avid runner, skier, and tennis player, she’s the author of numerous bestsellers including I’ll Never Tell and The Good Liar. Her works have been translated into multiple languages and I’ll Never Tell and Please Join Us have been optioned for development into television series. Visit her at or follow her on Twitter @CEMcKenzie1 or Instagram @CatherineMcKenzieAuthor.

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