New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $19.95
also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Aug 2011
publisher: TouchWood Editions
imprint: Brindle & Glass

Believing Cedric

by Mark Lavorato


Cedric Johnson is a middle-aged insurance broker with an unusual problem. He seems to be physically flashing back to pivotal moments from his past. It begins when his third-grade teacher notices a startling awareness in an otherwise unremarkable boy. Next, Cedric inhabits his fourteen-year-old body. He continues to travel through the life he’s already lived, issuing warnings and searching for answers. But why should anyone believe him?

Cedric’s journeys through time bring him face to face with forgotten memories, heartbreaking loss, the possibilities of love, and the agony of a life of regret. Cedric incenses and inspires the people around him, and changes the landscapes of their lives.

About the Author
Mark Lavorato is the author of two novels, Veracity and Believing Cedric, and a collection of poems, Wayworn Wooden Floors, which was a finalist for the Raymond Souster Award. He lives in Montreal, Quebec.
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