New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $11.99
also available: Paperback
category: Fiction
published: Sep 2019
publisher: NeWest Press

Broke City

by Wendy McGrath

tagged: family life, coming of age, literary

Broke City, the final book in Wendy McGrath's Santa Rosa trilogy, follows young Christine as she edges into self-awareness in the now-vanished Edmonton neighbourhood of Santa Rosa.

Budding with creativity that her working-class parents do not understand, Christine questions her parents' fraught relationship, with alcoholism and implicit violence bubbling just under the surface of their marriage. Her insight turns beyond her family to her neighbourhood, nicknamed Packingtown, a community built on meat-packing plants and abattoirs, on death.

Written with tight lyricism, Broke City is a brimming working-class gothic novel that reveals Christine's deepening knowledge of the adult world around her and of her own complicated place in that world. 

About the Author

Wendy McGrath’s most recent novel Broke City is the final book in her Santa Rosa Trilogy. Previous novels in the series are Santa Rosa and North East. Her most recent book of poetry, A Revision of Forward, was released in Fall 2015. McGrath works in multiple genres. BOX (CD) 2017 is an adaptation of her long poem into spoken word/experimental jazz/noise by QUARTO & SOUND. MOVEMENT 1 from that CD was nominated for a 2018 Edmonton Music Award (Jazz Recording of the Year). She recently completed a collaborative manuscript of poems inspired by the photography of Danny Miles, drummer for July Talk and Tongue Helmet. Her poetry, fiction, and non-fiction has been widely published. McGrath lives in Edmonton, Alberta, on Treaty 6 Territory.

Editorial Reviews

”With her now-complete portrait of the artist as a young girl, McGrath proves why she’s a writer to pay attention to."
~ Jade Colbert, Globe and Mail

"What's clear is McGrath's facility with language, for describing perfectly the sensation when understanding is within one's grasp, close enough to taste on the tongue but somehow not close enough to feel between one's teeth."
~ Yutaka Dirks, Alberta Views

"Wendy McGrath's Broke City is a story of class and chaos, inheritance and innocence. Exacting. Excellent."
~ Marcie McCauley, Herizons

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