New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $8.99
also available: Paperback
category: Children's Fiction
published: Oct 2020
publisher: Acorn Press

Broken Crayons

by Patsy Dingwell, by (artist) Marla Lesage

tagged: values & virtues, new experience

When Ms. Gillis, a preservice teacher on Prince Edward Island, decides to complete her International Teaching Practicum in Kenya, sponsored by Farmers Helping Farmers, she is very excited. She can’t wait to start her adventure in the warm African sun, leaving behind cold February days in Canada and (as she comes to learn) a well-stocked Island classroom. She is eager to share her newly-acquired teaching skills with the children in Kenya. She arrives laden with gifts and school supplies from friends on PEI. As she distributes a gift of crayons to her students, she soon realizes that she is the one who has the most to learn. Broken Crayons is a delightful story written for school age children. It is based on a true story that never grows old and one which carries a message for all, no matter your age.

About the Authors
Patsy Dingwell lives with her husband Rodney on their farm in Marie, PEI. They have four sons. Her grandchildren are often the audience for her life-long love of storytelling. A retired special education assistant, she now makes time to write and travel. Her favourite destination is Kenya, having visited three times. As a long time member of Farmers Helping Farmers she founded the School Twinning Project and is proud to relate stories of this Island NGO. This is her first book.

Marla Lesage est une infirmière qui aime raconter des histoires, vraies ou imaginées, en dessinant, en peignant, en illustrant et en décrivant des scènes de la vie urbaine. Ses oeuvres figurent dans des collections privées au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Australie, et son premier livre illustré, Pirate Year Round, est paru en 2019. Elle a eu l’idée d’écrire À chacun son masque en visitant une ferme pédagogique. Ses enfants, masqués, ont alors découvert que les masques ont un superpouvoir : bloquer les odeurs nauséabondes ! Marla habite près de Fredericton, au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
4 to 8
p to 3

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