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also available: Paperback
category: Health & Fitness
published: Apr 2013
publisher: Brush Education

Calm Your Mind, Warm Your Heart

Real Voices and Techniques to Support You Through the Ups and Downs of Cancer

by Catherine Phillips

tagged: cancer, healing

At a conference several years ago, psychologist Catherine Phillips heard the Dalai Lama say, “The single most important thing you can do for healing is to cultivate a warm heart.”


“That’s it!” she thought. That one sentence captured what she had learned in more than 15 years of working with cancer patients and their families through the Healing Journey, a program that helps people cope with cancer.

In this book, Dr. Phillips brings the intimacy of a support group into the reader’s private world. She teaches simple yet effective techniques to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and shares real-life stories from patients about their own experiences through the ups and downs of cancer.

About the Author
Catherine Phillips, PhD, is a psychologist with an interest in cancer care in both clinical and research settings. For over 15 years, she has been associated with the Healing Journey Program, which helps people cope more effectively with cancer and to live more fully in personally meaningful ways. A former contributor on health and wellness issues for Chatelaine magazine, she leads relaxation and support groups at Wellspring Centres in the Toronto area.
Contributor Notes

Catherine Phillips, EdD, CPsych, is a psychologist with an interest in cancer care in both clinical and research settings. For over 15 years, she has been associated with the Healing Journey Program, which helps people cope more effectively with cancer and to live more fully in personally meaningful ways. A former contributor on health and wellness issues for Chatelaine magazine, she leads relaxation and support groups at Wellspring Centres in the Toronto area.

Editorial Review

Dr. Catherine Phillips stands out—not only for her skill and long experience, but also for her honesty, warmth, and gentleness.

— Dr. Alastair Cunningham, director of the Healing Journey Program

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