New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: Paperback
category: Political Science
published: Apr 2004
publisher: University of Calgary Press

Canada and the New American Empire

War and Anti-War

edited by George Melnyk, contributions by Douglas Roche; Tareq Y. Ismael; Jacqueline S. Ismael; Trudy Govier; Colleen Beaumier; Joyce Patel; Jim Harding; David Swann; Bill Phipps; Donn Lovett; Arthur Clark; Robert Hackett; Scott Ritter; Imtiaz Hussain; Satya R. Pattnayak & Mel Hurtg

tagged: canadian, diplomacy, security (national & international)

Noted academics, politicians, and activists examine Canada's decision not to support the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. Each contributor opposes the U.S. action and discusses how CanadaĆ­s non-involvement might affect the future of Canadian-American relations. Included in this collection are never before published essays from high-profile contributors such as: Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector; Douglas Roche, Liberal senator; and Rev. William Phipps, former moderator of the United Church of Canada.

With Contributions By: Colleen Beaumier Arthur Clark Trudy Govier Robert Hackett Jim Harding Mel Hurtg Imtiaz Hussain Tareq Y. Ismael Jacqueline S. Ismael Donn Lovett George Melnyk Joyce Patel Satya R. Pattnayak Bill Phipps Scott Ritter Douglas Roche David Swann

About the Authors

George Melnyk

Douglas Roche

Tareq Y. Ismael

Jacqueline S. Ismael

Trudy Govier

Colleen Beaumier

Joyce Patel

Jim Harding is Professor and Director of the School of Human Justice at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. He is past Director of Research for the Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and Prairie Justice Research at the University of Regina.

Jim Harding is Professor and Director of the School of Human Justice at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. He is past Director of Research for the Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and Prairie Justice Research at the University of Regina.

Jim Harding is Professor and Director of the School of Human Justice at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. He is past Director of Research for the Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and Prairie Justice Research at the University of Regina.

Jim Harding is Professor and Director of the School of Human Justice at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. He is past Director of Research for the Saskatchewan Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and Prairie Justice Research at the University of Regina.

Dr. Arthur Clark is a Professor of Neuropathology and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary, and an active staff neuropathologist at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. He carries lifelong experience with militant nationalist culture, having come of age during the Vietnam War and serving two years as Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps. In 1995, in honour of his late wife, he established the Dr. Irma M. Parhad Programmes at the University of Calgary, which focus on ways to improve worldwide health and well-being within the framework of international law. He is also currently involved in a project to establish a Calgary Centre for Global Community, to be based on the values and vision that informed The ABCs of Human Survival.

Dr. Arthur Clark is a Professor of Neuropathology and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary, and an active staff neuropathologist at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. He carries lifelong experience with militant nationalist culture, having come of age during the Vietnam War and serving two years as Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps. In 1995, in honour of his late wife, he established the Dr. Irma M. Parhad Programmes at the University of Calgary, which focus on ways to improve worldwide health and well-being within the framework of international law. He is also currently involved in a project to establish a Calgary Centre for Global Community, to be based on the values and vision that informed The ABCs of Human Survival.

Dr. Arthur Clark is a Professor of Neuropathology and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary, and an active staff neuropathologist at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. He carries lifelong experience with militant nationalist culture, having come of age during the Vietnam War and serving two years as Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps. In 1995, in honour of his late wife, he established the Dr. Irma M. Parhad Programmes at the University of Calgary, which focus on ways to improve worldwide health and well-being within the framework of international law. He is also currently involved in a project to establish a Calgary Centre for Global Community, to be based on the values and vision that informed The ABCs of Human Survival.

Dr. Arthur Clark is a Professor of Neuropathology and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary, and an active staff neuropathologist at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. He carries lifelong experience with militant nationalist culture, having come of age during the Vietnam War and serving two years as Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps. In 1995, in honour of his late wife, he established the Dr. Irma M. Parhad Programmes at the University of Calgary, which focus on ways to improve worldwide health and well-being within the framework of international law. He is also currently involved in a project to establish a Calgary Centre for Global Community, to be based on the values and vision that informed The ABCs of Human Survival.

Dr. Arthur Clark is a Professor of Neuropathology and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary, and an active staff neuropathologist at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. He carries lifelong experience with militant nationalist culture, having come of age during the Vietnam War and serving two years as Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps. In 1995, in honour of his late wife, he established the Dr. Irma M. Parhad Programmes at the University of Calgary, which focus on ways to improve worldwide health and well-being within the framework of international law. He is also currently involved in a project to establish a Calgary Centre for Global Community, to be based on the values and vision that informed The ABCs of Human Survival.

Dr. Arthur Clark is a Professor of Neuropathology and Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Calgary, and an active staff neuropathologist at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. He carries lifelong experience with militant nationalist culture, having come of age during the Vietnam War and serving two years as Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps. In 1995, in honour of his late wife, he established the Dr. Irma M. Parhad Programmes at the University of Calgary, which focus on ways to improve worldwide health and well-being within the framework of international law. He is also currently involved in a project to establish a Calgary Centre for Global Community, to be based on the values and vision that informed The ABCs of Human Survival.

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