New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $9.99
also available: Paperback
category: Nature
published: May 2011
publisher: RMB | Rocky Mountain Books

Central Beauty

Wildflowers and Flowering Shrubs of the Southern Interior of British Columbia

by Neil L. Jennings

tagged: flowers

Central Beauty: Wildflowers and Flowering Shrubs of the Southern Interior of British Columbia is a follow-up to three previous volumes on wildflowers written by Neil Jennings and published by Rocky Mountain Books. It is being published at the same time as Coastal Beauty Wildflowers and Flowering Shrubs of Coastal British Columbia and Vancouver Island, making a set of five books in the series.

All five books include exceptional photographs and interesting information about each plant. For ease of reference, the books are arranged by flower colour and by plant family. A complete index is included, using both the common and the scientific names for all plants.

Central Beauty explores the wildflowers and flowering shrubs commonly found in the portions of British Columbia , typically known as the southern interior—very roughly an east/west line drawn through Williams Lake , B.C. The southern limit of the area extends well into the states of Washington , Idaho and Montana.

About the Author

Neil L. Jennings

Neil Jennings is an ardent flyfisher, hiker and photographer. He has fly-fished extensively in a variety of places around the world, in both fresh water and salt water, and has taught fly-fishing-related courses in Calgary for over 30 years. His writing and photography have appeared in a number of outdoors magazines, and he is the author of numerous books published by RMB, including a book on fly-fishing titled Behind the Counter and several full-colour guides to western wildflowers.

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