New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $18.99
also available: Hardcover
category: Children's Fiction
published: Nov 2012
publisher: Independent Publishers Group, Scholastic Canada Ltd
imprint: Editions Scholastic

Cher Journal : Sans havre

Charlotte Blackburn, lors de la grande explosion Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, 1917

by Julie Lawson


À la suite de l'explosion massive du 6 décembre 1917, Charlotte raconte au fil des pages de son journal personnel, sa quête pour retrouver Duncan, son frère jumeau, à travers les rues dévastées d'Halifax. Il est sa seule famille depuis que son frère aîné a été tué en France, pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.

Following the massive Halifax explosion of December 6, 1917, Charlotte writes in her diary of her search through the devastated city to find her twin brother Duncan after the rest of her family - except for her older brother, who is fighting in France in WWI - is killed.

Original title: Dear Canada: No Safe Harbour

About the Author

Julie Lawson is the author of more than twenty children's and young adult titles. Her books have won the Sheila A. Egoff Literature Prize and been nominated for numerous awards, including various Forest of Reading Awards and the Canadian Library Association Book of the Year Award. She lives in Victoria, British Columbia.

Contributor Notes

Julie Lawson a enseigné au primaire pendant 18 ans avant de devenir auteure. Depuis, elle a publié plus de 20 livres pour les jeunes, accumulant prix, récompenses et nominations. Julie partage son temps entre l'écriture et les visites d'écoles et de librairies. Elle a aussi dirigé de nombreux ateliers littéraires en plus d'offrir des cours à l'université et de parler à de multiples conférences dans toute l'Amérique du nord. Julie habite Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique.

Julie Lawson spent 18 years as an elementary school teacher before becoming a full-time author in 1991. Since then, she has published over twenty books for young people, garnering awards and nominations, critical acclaim, and much recognition. Julie divides her time between writing at home and visiting schools and libraries. She has spoken to Roundtable groups, toured for Canadian Children's Book Week, conducted writing workshops, taught university courses on writing children's literature, and been a presenter at conferences for adults and children across North America. She lives in Victoria, B.C.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
9 to 18
4 to 12

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