New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: eBook
category: Political Science
published: Apr 1999
publisher: Between the Lines

Civil Society in Question

by Jamie Swift

tagged: ngos (non-governmental organizations), political advocacy, globalization, democracy

In this concise, critical study of civil society, Jamie Swift sketches the history of the concept from its roots in the eighteenth century, to the present. Swift looks at its practical application in specific cases, such as Canada’s Victorian Order of Nurses, and with community-based groups in South Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh). He examines the relationship between voluntarism, the state, politics, and the market, and considers the motives and priorities of those using the term today.

About the Author

Jamie Swift

Kingston writer Jamie Swift is the author of numerous books. He works on social justice issues for the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul and lectures at the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.
Editorial Review

This book is not for the politically faint-of-heart; the material can be fairly dense.yet for those willing to wade through, there are numerous moments of insight, along with remarkable stories of “third world” victories over megaprojects and colonial exploitation.

— Quill & Quire

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