New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $10.95
category: Children's Nonfiction
published: Sep 2000
publisher: Ekstasis Editions
imprint: Cherubim Books

Colours Everywhere You Go

by Carol Ann Sokoloff

tagged: colors, self-esteem & self-reliance

Let Colours the Clown take you on an exciting exploration of our colourful world in playful rhyme and brilliant watercolour illustration. Toddlers and young readers of all ages will treasure this delightful tour from black and white to every hue of the rainbow.

About the Author
Carol Ann Sokoloff is a poet and singer-songwriter who conducts poetry workshops in schools. She is the author of the poetry book Eternal Lake O'Hara and the picture book Colours Everywhere You Go, also illustrated by Tineke Visser.

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