New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $49.95
also available: Paperback
category: Social Science
published: Dec 2005
publisher: University of Calgary Press

Concepts of Culture

Art, Politics, and Society

contributions by Adam Muller; Christoph Brumann; Geoffrey Hartman; Jacques Barzun; Mette Hjort; Imre Szeman; David Novitz; Robert Stecker; Martin Roberts; Jim Parry; Martha Nussbaum; Rhonda Martens & Carl Matheson

tagged: popular culture, cultural, customs & traditions

How do we define "culture?" To what uses should such a concept be put? What costs and benefits do these uses entail? In this volume, Adam Muller brings together contributions from a diverse group of established and emerging scholars each of whom probes the nature of the culture concept while shedding light on its many different applications and contexts of use. Of particular concern to Muller and his contributors is the putative unity of culture, a notion variously affirmed and denied in this volume over the course of discussions of such matters as popular culture, film, globalization, education, sport, aesthetics, and human values. The variety of perspectives gathered here, in addition to adding much needed substance to our understanding of the history and politics of "culture," taken together confirm the practical advantages to the sort of rigorous and dynamic interdisciplinarity ever more a part of academic life. Concepts of Culture: Art, Politics, and Society also helps to secure a place for analytic philosophy, humanism, and liberal political theory in contemporary debates over what exactly "culture" is and how it works.

Contributors include such distinguished scholars as Jacques Barzun, Geoffrey Hartman, Mette Hjort, and Martha Nussbaum.

With Contributions By: Jacques Barzun Christoph Brumann Geoffrey Hartman Mette Hjort Rhonda Martens Carl Matheson Adam Muller David Novitz Martha Nussbaum Jim Parry Martin Roberts Robert Stecker Imre Szeman

About the Authors

Adam Muller

Christoph Brumann

Geoffrey Hartman

Jacques Barzun

Mette Hjort

Imre Szeman

David Novitz

Robert Stecker

Martin Roberts

Jim Parry

Martha Nussbaum

Rhonda Martens

Carl Matheson

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