New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Computers
published: Jun 2012
publisher: Athabasca University Press
imprint: AU Press

Connecting Canadians

Investigations in Community Informatics

edited by Andrew Clement; Michael Gurstein; Graham Longford; Marita Moll & Leslie Regan Shade

tagged: information theory

Connecting Canadians examines the role of communityinformatics, or community-based ICT initiatives, in this process oftransition. The Community Research Alliance for Community Innovationand Networking (CRACIN) set out to study how civil societygroups—in locations ranging from Vancouver to Labrador and fromremote Northern communities to Toronto and Montréal—sought toenable local communities to develop on their own terms within thebroader context of federal and provincial policies and programs.Drawing on diverse theoretical perspectives, from sociology to libraryand information sciences to women’s studies, the essays not onlydocument specific local initiatives but analyze the overall trajectoryof the government’s vision of a digitally inclusive Canada.

About the Authors
Andrew Clement is a professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, with a cross-over appointment in the Department of Computer Science.

Michael Gurstein is the director of the Center for Community Informatics Research, Training, and Development in Vancouver.

Graham Longford has been a research fellow and coinvestigator for CRACIN and CWIRP.

Marita Moll is a researcher and freelance writer who writes about telecommunications policy and community networking in Canada.

Marita Moll is a researcher and freelance writer who writes about telecommunications policy and community networking in Canada.
Contributor Notes

Andrew Clement is a professor in the Faculty ofInformation at the University of Toronto, with a status appointment inthe Department of Computer Science. Michael Gursteinis the director of the Center for Community Informatics Research,Training, and Development in Vancouver. GrahamLongford has been a research fellow and coinvestigator forCRACIN and the Community Wireless Infrastructure Research Project.Marita Moll is a lecturer at Carleton University and aresearch associate with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.Leslie Regan Shade is an associate professor in theDepartment of Communication Studies at Concordia University.

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