Most of us see trees every day, and too often we take them for granted.
Trees provide us with everything from food, fuel and shelter to oxygen and filtered water. Deep Roots celebrates the central role trees play in our lives, no matter where we live. Each chapter in Deep Roots focuses on a basic element—water, air, fire and earth—and explores the many ways in which we need trees to keep our planet healthy and livable. From making rain to producing fruit to feeding fish, trees play an integral role in maintaining vibrant ecosystems all over the world. Facts about trees and hands-on activities throughout help readers discover ways to get to know our giant neighbors better.
"Another well-done offering from this ongoing series...Beautiful color photographs from all over the world, make [the book] an excellent addition to libraries seeking to enlarge their selection of multicultural offerings...This well-written volume is ideal for budding researchers unfamiliar with environmental issues, and teachers will welcome this attractive, curriculum-based reading options."
"Beautiful and intriguing color photos from a broad array of sources and diverse locations give readers ample visual details of a wide variety of species and tree habitats around the globe... [Tate] champions the sheer wonder of trees, thanks to her infectious, enthusiastic tone...With accessible language and eye-catching, photo-filled layouts, this is a great pick...Very well suited to elementary- and middle-school research projects."
"Provides good, attention-grabbing facts...Perhaps most significantly, [Tate] conveys a sense of how trees serve as barometers to environmental health and trouble...A solid foundation, a taproot to appreciating the incredible diversity and contribution of trees to our everyday lives."
"A welcome addition to the 'Orca Footprints' timely and well-conceived series of books on environmental issues for middle school readers...Clearly organized with today’s internet-savvy reader in mind...Tate does a wonderful job of creating a broad, but succinct, overview of trees and the critical role they play in our life...As many libraries and classrooms are seeking to provide more information to young readers on climate change and environmental issues, Deep Roots will be a wonderful addition. Highly Recommended."
"Highly readable, thought provoking and informative source about trees and their importance...An excellent research tool...Highly recommended."