New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $17.99
category: Social Science
published: Oct 2014
publisher: Demeter Press

Disabled Mothers

Stories and Scholarship by and about Mothers with Disabilities

edited by Gloria Filax & Dena Taylor

tagged: women's studies

This collection of 18 scholarly works and personal accounts from Canada, the U.S., and Australia explores and analyzes issues of parenting by mothers with a variety of physical and mental disabilities. The book delves into pregnancy, birth, adoption, child custody, discrimination, and disability politics. Noticing dominant ideas, meanings, and narratives about mothering and disability, as the contributors of this book do, exposes how the actual lives and experiences of mothers with disabilities are key to challenging cultural norms and therefore discrimination.

About the Authors
Gloria Filax teaches and coordinates the Equality/Social Justice stream in the MAIS program at Athabasca University. Her research interests include gender/sexuality studies, processes of racialization, disability studies, and other forms of normalization.

Gloria Filax teaches and coordinates the Equality/Social Justice stream in the MAIS program at Athabasca University. Her research interests include gender/sexuality studies, processes of racialization, disability studies, and other forms of normalization.

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