New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: Paperback Paperback eBook
category: Psychology
published: Jan 2004
publisher: Brush Education

Diversity, Culture and Counselling

A Canadian Perspective

edited by Geoffrey G. Hett; Maria del Carmen Rodriguez & M. Honore France

tagged: counseling, ethnopsychology

Canadian society encompasses a variety of cultural, ethnic and religious groups. It is essential for the counsellor to understand the beliefs and thought processes of individuals within these various groups in order to establish rapport and understanding, as well as to make the counselled individual feel comfortable.

This book is based on the belief of diversity and the importance of culture, that multicultural counselling offers an approach to working with people from different ethnic, racial, religious backgrounds and sexual orientations. Understanding the causes and costs of stereotypes and biases is vital if counsellors are to bridge the ethnic and racial divide. Being secure in one’s own identity, culturally and racially, can only help to ensure that people accept and respect individual and collective differences. This book provides necessary background information relative to many of the diverse cultural groups in Canada.

About the Authors
Geoffrey G. Hett is a professor emeritus in the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies at the University of Victoria. He holds a PhD in counselling psychology and teaches undergraduate courses in this area. He is the founding president of the Erma Fennell Foundation for the Relief of Poverty, a Canadian charity that supports the relief of poverty in a small community in Mexico.

Geoffrey G. Hett is a professor emeritus in the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies at the University of Victoria. He holds a PhD in counselling psychology and teaches undergraduate courses in this area. He is the founding president of the Erma Fennell Foundation for the Relief of Poverty, a Canadian charity that supports the relief of poverty in a small community in Mexico.

M. Honore France is from the Ani-yun-wiwa First Nation and is a professor at the University of Victoria, where he teaches courses in diversity, family therapy, group dynamics, and research methodology. His current research and teaching interests are cross-cultural counselling issues, ecopsychology, counselling residential school survivors, and crosscultural child development.

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