In a shiny new pickup packed with camping equipment and guitars, and with a $5,000 debt hanging over their heads, Jens and his musician brother, Daniel, take off on an unusual kind of road trip. Little do they know that they are embarking on the longest weekend of their lives -- a weekend in which far more than money is at stake.
A gritty and unforgettable portrait of two young men who are at once ordinary and intensely complicated.
Diana Wieler is the winner of the Governor General's Award, the Mr. Christie's Book Award, the Canadian Library Association's Young Adult Canadian Book Award and the Ruth Schwartz Award. Her most recent book, Drive, won the McNally Robinson Award. She lives in Winnipeg.
Wieler packs a tremendous energy into the love-hate relationship between the two brothers...An intense road story of brotherly anguish.
Wieler constructs a tight, mesmerizing story with many complex threads, including undercurrents of violence and barely suppressed anger that will be familiar to readers of Wieler's Bad Boy. Jens is a marvelous character of wholly believable contradictions: his fierce family loyalty flip flops with his embarrassment and shame...The Canadian landscape is almost a character itself.
Wieler has created an appealing character who shows both strength and vulnerability.
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