Winner of the Canadian Library Association Book of the Year Award
In his first year in high school, Hubbo O'Driscoll is torn between his poor but fun friends and the shallow but rich kids.
In this novel based on Great Expectations, Brian Doyle does a brilliant job of dealing with the issue of class and all its implications. Poverty, social climbing and the connotations of each are presented through the classic Doyle blend of humor and gravity.
Doyle writes a tight narrative with wit and verve.
Doyle...zeroes in on adolescent feelings and dialogue with complete accuracy. His blend of sophisticated satire, realism and empathy with the human condition creates an atmosphere with which the reader easily identifies.
an absolute delight
Doyle's characters have the universal quality of ancient folk tale characters...Thanks to writers like Doyle, Canada...has developed a literature for young adults that is as unique as it is universal.