New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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list price: $7.99
category: Children's Fiction
published: May 2011
publisher: Orca Book Publishers
imprint: Les éditions Orca

Ed spécial

(Special Edward)

by Eric Walters

tagged: special needs, self-esteem & self-reliance, school & education

Edward est paresseux. Il se contente de la note de passage. Lorsqu'il découvre que les élèves admis en éducation spéciale ont plus de temps pour faire leurs examens, il croit avoir trouvé la combine parfaite. Il ne s'attend pas à devoir faire autant d'efforts pour manipuler son entourage.

Cet ouvrage en format ePub est entièrement accessible. Également disponible sous le titre Special Edward en anglais.

About the Author

Eric Walters is a Member of the Order of Canada and the author of over 125 books that have collectively won more than 100 awards, including the Governor General’s Literary Award for The King of Jam Sandwiches. A former teacher, Eric began writing as a way to get his fifth-grade students interested in reading and writing. Eric is a tireless presenter, speaking to over 100,000 students per year in schools across the country. He lives in Guelph, Ontario.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
9 to 12
4 to 7
Reading age:
9 to 12

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