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also available: Paperback
category: Medical
published: Jun 2001
publisher: University of Ottawa Press

Ethical Deliberation in Multiprofessional Health Care Teams

edited by Hubert Doucet; Jean-Marc Larouche & Kenneth R. Melchin

tagged: ethics

This study analyzes both pragmatic and theoretical perspectives of ethical deliberation, as well as the professional and philosophical backgrounds for the ethical deliberation of social workers, nurses and doctors working in the field of chronic illness. In doing so, this volume expands the scope of current research through an analysis of the process and its dynamics.

About the Authors

Hubert Doucet

Jean-Marc Larouche

Kenneth R. Melchin

Kenneth Melchin est professeur en éthique chrétienne à la Faculté de théologie de l'Université Saint-Paul, à Ottawa. Il est l'auteur de History, Ethics and Emergent Probability (1987) et coauteur de Ethical Deliberation in Multiprofessional Health Care Teams (2000).
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