New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: eBook
category: Drama
published: Sep 2012
publisher: Playwrights Canada Press

Feet of the Angels

by Evelyne de la Chenelière, translated by Nigel Spencer

tagged: canadian

Ever since her brother's untimely death, Marie has been fascinated with angels, believing her brother has become one. Now as a young woman, she has dedicated her doctoral thesis to the subject: the sudden portrayal of angels with feet in Renaissance paintings. As Marie tries to analyze the motive behind this, she begins to uncover questions of existentialism, societal perceptions of women, and the meaning of art and life. Her biggest challenge, though, becomes grasping a seemingly impossible understanding of her brother's suicide, and dealing with her own dislocation.

About the Authors

Evelyne de la Chenelière, Montreal-based author and actress, has written plays staged in Quebec and abroad that have been translated and published in several languages. Her collection of plays, Désordre public, won the Governor General’s Literary Award for French Drama in 2006, while her plays Les pieds des anges, La chair et autres fragments de l’amour, and La vie utile were finalists in 2009, 2012, and 2019 respectively. Her play Bashir Lazhar was adapted to filmby Philippe Falardeau and was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the 2012 Academy Awards. The Académie des lettres du Québec awarded La vie utile the Marcel Dubé Prize in 2021, and the play will be produced in German in 2022 at Landungsbrücken Frankfurt. Evelyne’s first feature film is currently in development with micro_scope and her new play will be presented in the 2021/2022 season at Théâtre Denise-Pelletier in Montreal.

Nigel Spencer is a writer, translator, and professor of English living in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. He has won the Canadian Governor General’s Literary Award for translation on three occasions, in 2002, 2007, and 2012 and was awarded a Proclamation of Recognition by the Republic of Guinea.

Contributor Notes

Nigel Spencer's previous work includes acting, directing, teaching, educational research and training, journalism, and subtitling and co-scripting films. He has published six books of translated work by Marie-Claire Blais, including Thunder and Light and Augustino and the Choir of Destruction, both of which won the Governor General's Literary Award for Translation.

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