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also available: Paperback
category: Religion
published: Feb 2003
publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc

Finding Peace

by Jean Vanier

tagged: spiritual, social

One of our deepest human desires and needs is to live in peace. We all yearn for peace, but what is it exactly? How do we find it, and how can we bring peace to our lives and our communities?

Jean Vanier reflects on recent world events, identifying the sources of conflict and fear within and among individuals, communities, and nations that thwart us in our quest for peace. Peace is not just the work of governments or armies or diplomats, he argues, but the task of each one of us. We can all become makers of peace. We can do our part. And though it's easy to be a love of peace and much more difficult to be a worker for peace, Vanier shows us that ordinary people, unknown and unrecognized, are transforming our world little by little, finding peace in our neighbourhoods and lighting the way to change.

About the Author
Jean Vanier est docteur en philosophie de l?Institut catholique de Paris et est mondialement connu comme le fondateur des Communautés de l?Arche, milieux de vie consacrés aux personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Il a publié de nombreux ouvrages, notamment Entrer dans le mystère de Jésus : une lecture de l?Évangile de Jean, chez Novalis.

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