New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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category: Business & Economics
published: Oct 2011
publisher: Coach House Books

Five Good Ideas

Practical Strategies for Non-Profit Success

edited by Alan Broadbent & Ratna Omidvar

tagged: nonprofit organizations & charities, philanthropy & charity

Non-profits are big business. According to a recent Johns Hopkins report, third-sector institutions in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Japan, the U.S. and Canada have been growing at an average rate that is twice the growth rate of their GDPs. Canada is home to the second largest non-profit workforce in the world, employing 2 million paid staff and contributing $112 billion to our economy each year. We are also recognized worldwide as an important generator of ideas and agent of social change.

Maytree, a Canadian foundation established in 1982, has long been immersed in the dialogue surrounding the growth of the non-profit sector. From its extensive network of non-profit, government and corporate-sector leaders, Alan Broadbent and Ratna Omidvar have amassed a collection of practical ideas for running non-profits.

As the sector expands to embrace new issues, there is increased pressure for accountability, relevancy and efficiency. Practitioners are expected to be experts in a variety of fields. Five Good Ideas offers information, strategies for action and management solutions that are easy to implement and will improve how organizations function. It is a testament to what can happen when people from a variety of backgrounds get together to share their skills and knowledge.

About the Authors

Alan Broadbent is the chair and CEO of Avana Capital Corporation and the chair of Maytree. He also serves as the chair of the Tides Canada Foundation and Happy Planet Foods and is a member of the Governors’ Council of the Toronto Public Library, a senior fellow at Massey College, a member of the Order of Canada and a recipient of the Queen’s Jubilee Medal. Alan is the author of the book Urban Nation.

Ratna Omidvar is the president of Maytree. She also serves as a director of the Toronto City Summit Alliance and is the chair of the board of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council. Ratna was appointed to the Order of Ontario in 2006, and in 2010 was named the Globe and Mail’s Nation Builder of the Decade for Citizenship.

Contributor Notes

Alan Broadbent is the chair and CEO of Avana Capital Corporation and the chair of Maytree. He also serves as the chair of the Tides Canada Foundation and Happy Planet Foods and is a member of the Governors' Council of the Toronto Public Library, a senior fellow at Massey College, a member of the Order of Canada and a recipient of the Queen's Jubilee Medal. Alan is the author of the book Urban Nation .

Ratna Omidvar is the president of Maytree. She also serves as a director of the Toronto City Summit Alliance and is the chair of the board of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council. Ratna was appointed to the Order of Ontario in 2006, and in 2010 was named the Globe and Mail 's Nation Builder of the Decade for Citizenship.

Editorial Review

'The scope of the book is exhaustive. I doubt if any aspect of a not–for–profit is left uncovered. All the contributors are stalwarts in their chosen field of expertise. If you have anything to do with a not–for–profit, read this book.' – Generally About Books

'I recommend [Five Good Ideas] as a helpful and ... inspiring read to all who are interested in Canada's cultural community as professionals or involved volunteers.' – James Wright, General Director, Vancouver Opera

The ideas are practical and the format they used is great for those on the go … a great resource for staff, volunteers and board members. ¬– Imagine Canada

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