Flexibility has become a watchword in modern education, but itsimplementation is by no means a straightforward matter. FlexiblePedagogy, Flexible Practice sheds light on the oftentaken-for-granted assumptions that inform daily practice and examinesthe institutional dynamics that help and hinder efforts towardsflexibility. The collection is international in scope, drawing on theexperience of specialists in distance education from North America, theUnited Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, andJapan.
Elizabeth J. (Liz) Burge is professor of adulteducation at the University of New Brunswick. She is a past presidentof the Canadian Association for Distance Education/Associationcanadienne de l'éducation à distance.
Chère Campbell Gibson is professor emerita of adulteducation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She established theCertificate of Professional Development in Distance Education hasserved on numerous editorial boards. Terry L. Gibsonis professor emeritus of adult education at the University ofWisconsin-Madison. His research has focused on instructional settingsin the home, in the workplace, and at educational institutions.