New ebooks From Canadian Indies

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also available: Paperback
category: Travel
published: Jun 2010
publisher: Formac Publishing Company Limited

Green Gables

Lucy Maud Montgomery's Favourite Places

by Deirdre Kessler, by (photographer) Alanna Jankov

tagged: literary

The landscape of Prince Edward Island set Lucy Maud Montgomery's imagination on fire. This book explores the places where she grew up and explores the settings of her most famous works of fiction.
Green Gables, once the home of Montgomery's relatives, is now furnished and decorated based on descriptions in her most famous novel. Nearby is the author's childhood home -- her grandparents' farm -- and, at New London, her lovingly preserved birthplace. At Park Corner, visitors can enjoy one of her favourite places -- Silver Bush, the home of her Campbell cousins.
This book offers all new, beautiful photographs and historical images of the sites. Author Deirdre Kessler provides detailed background on these places, putting them in the context of rural life on Prince Edward Island a century ago.

About the Authors

Deirdre Kessler

Author of ten children’s books, DEIRDRE KESSLER teaches children’s literature at the University of Prince Edward Island. She was the project director and a member of the creative team of the award-winning CD-ROM on Lucy Maud Montgomery and her work.

Alanna Jankov

Author of ten children’s books, DEIRDRE KESSLER teaches children’s literature at the University of Prince Edward Island. She was the project director and a member of the creative team of the award-winning CD-ROM on Lucy Maud Montgomery and her work.
Editorial Review

"It is a beautiful souvenir piece for anyone who has ever cherished a visit to these haunts or has yearned to make such a pilgimage...Recommended."

— Canadian Review of Materials

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